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"Thanks Jack for the amazing night" I said smiling

"No problem I just happy I got to spend it with a amazing person" he said . God damn he's cheesy.

"Stop being cheesy" I said joking around but I loved his cheesiness.

"Oh you know you love my cheesiness" he said smirking. Did he just read my mind.

"Ok whatever you say pretty boy" I said.

"Confess you love my cheesiness or I won't let you go" he said holding my waist tight.

"Nope now let me go" I said trying to go in my apartment.

"Nope confess" he said now kissing my neck.

"If confess will you let me go and you have leave" I said giggling because the way he's kissing my neck tickles.

"Yup" he said

"Ok then, yes I love your cheesiness" I said and then he let me go.

"Now was that so hard" he said

"So see you soon" I said trying to go in my apartment before he try's doing anything else.

"Yea see you soon I'll text you" he said "bye" he said going down hall to the elevator.

"Bye" I said waving at him.

I went in my apartment and closed the door. I put my back on the door and closed my eyes and bit my lip at how that boy made me feel.

I heard someone clear their throat. Wait is someone here. I opened my eyes to see Angie, Nash and Cameron. Why are they still here.

"You guys are still here" I said

"Yup" they all said at the same time.
"What was all that about" Nash asked
"What all about" I asked
"The lip biting closing you eyes" Cameron said.
"Oh nothing" I said
"Well it looked like you guys had a great night" Angie said.
"Yup probably one of the best nights I ever had in my life" I said

I saw Cameron roll his eyes once I said that. But whatever.

"Well I'm gonna go get ready to sleep, if your guys are staying you know where the guest room is and blankets and stuff" I said walking in to my room. "Oh and good night" I said lastly before closing my door.

I took off my clothes and my bra. Let's be honest taking off your bra is the best feeling ever. I then put on a over sized shirt.
I put my hair up in a messy bun.

I got into bed and then soon drifted off to sleep.


I woke up gasping because of that dream that I keep on having and its all his fault that keep having these dreams.

I checked what time it was and it's 2:36 it's always the same time every day.

I got and went to my kitchen and grabbed a cup of milk. I drinked it and put in the dishwasher as I was doing that felt someone grab me around the waist, but I knew who's hands these were. Cameron's.

"He won't make you feel the way I'll make you feel. I know that I'll treat you better than him" he said whispering in my ear. He made me have chills. He the let me go off me.

I just stood there. Thinking of what he just said.

What is that supposed to mean.

I just shook it off and went back to bed.


Edited / 11/14/2016

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