Ch. 32

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Guys I published a fashion book go look at it please.


"Guess who's back" I yelled as I walked in to Angie's new house

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"Guess who's back" I yelled as I walked in to Angie's new house.

"Oh my god my true love is back" Angie yelled as she waddled to me. She looked like a penguin. It was kinda cute.

I hugged her lightly so I didn't hurt her stomach. "Your belly is so cute." I whispered to her ear.

"Not really, because it has stretch marks" she said as she pulled up her shirt a little to show me her marks.

"You know they look like lighting, that means god put them their specially for you, it's not bad Yknow" I said. "They're pretty" she smiled when I said that.

"Oh ma god, Becky" Nash said in girl voice.  I just started laughing my ass off. "I missed you" he yelled and than hugged me.

"Missed you to but can you please stop with that voice before I pee my pants of how funny it is" I laughed while I hugged him back.

"How was Chicago" Angie asked.

"Cold" I said. "I missed LA so much because it rarely gets cold" I smiled.

"Well, at least your back finally" she smiled. "Cmon, I'll show you the room your staying in"

She walked up the stairs and showed me my room, until I get my own place. I'm planning on buying a house.

I looked in the mirror she had in the corner of the room and looked at myself.

"Angie did I gain a few pounds" I said as I noticed I had a bigger but and boobs.

"I don't know but your butt, hips and boobs look bigger" she shrugged.

"So that's a yes." I asked.

"I mean if you wanna think of it as a yes." She said. "Hey have you not been eating healthy or something" she asked.

"I've been eating the same everyday" I said.

"Rebecca have you been throwing up lately." She asked looking a little worried.

"Um yeah, sometimes." I shrugged.

" Have you had your period?" She asked looking even more worried.

"Oh god Angie" I said freaking out I know where this is going now.

"When was the last time you had sex" she asked.

"Um, um, a week before I left Cameron, which was two and a half months ago" I said freaked out.

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