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Next day//
Beckys pov//
Ootd// + a dad hat

"Cameron, I'm going to Angie's" I said as kisses his cheek as he watched tv

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"Cameron, I'm going to Angie's" I said as kisses his cheek as he watched tv.

"Um ok, when will you back" he asked.

"Like in a hour or two" I said grabbing my bag.

"Ok then, come back home fast" he said.

"I will" I said "bye"



I walked in the diner, it wasn't hard to notice where Austin was sitting. I walked to him every step I took made me nervous. This wasn't a good idea.

I just had at lest 6 more feet away from and I stopped and thought about how this can turn bad.

I took a deep breath and stopped overthinking.

I sat across from him and didn't make eye contact with me.

"What can I do for you to leave me the hell alone" I asked quite enough for him to hear me.

"I'll leave you alone if you pay 500k" he said.

"Is that it,cause I can give you that by Friday" I told him.

"Yes" he said.

"Deal" I said, I got up and adjusted my hat.

That wasn't bad.

"Yknow, I'm not the only one who hurt you, there's someone hurting you right now and you don't even know." he said Looking up at me.

"What do you mean by that" I asked him looking Down at him.

"I'm saying that there's someone that didn't tell you about his little trip, while you were in tour." He said. He got up and gave me a packet and walked out.

That was weird.

I walked to out of the diner and went to my car. I opened my car and sat down. Before I turned my car on curiosity hit me. I really want to know what's in it.

I took a deep breath and thought about it. Fuck it.

I opened that packet slowly.

There was pictures of Cameron  drinking a glasses of what looked like alcohol.

And there was few pictures with Cameron and Sofia laughing but she was a little to touchy with Cameron. And that was it but then there was disc.

"I wonder what this video is" I asked myself.

I put back in the packet and drove back home. The whole ride home I just wondered what the disc was.

And also was Austin talking about, what did Cameron do that he didn't tell me about.

I sighed as parked outside my apartment building. I grabbed my bag and the packet and walked in.

I put the key in my door knob to my apartment. I opened it and saw Cameron sitting down on his phone.

He saw me come in and I put the packet in my bag.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey" I said back.

"What's the packet for" he asked.

"Some things I have to sign and give to my manger and stuff" I lied to him.

"Oh,ok" he said. "My sister is coming over by the way"

"Ok, I haven't seen her in a while" I smiled. "Cameron?"

"Yeah" he said.

"What did you do in Malin other than the fashion show?" I asked him.

"Um I went to a after party, and did a few photo shoots, and hanged with a few friends" he said.

"Oh" I sighed.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just wondering" I said.

"Did someone tell you something that I didn't tell you or something" he asked looking kinda nervous.

"No, was there something I was supposed to know?" I asked.

"No" he said.

Someone knocked on the door and Cameron went and opened it.

Cameron looks like he's hiding something from me.

"Hey Rebecca" Sierra said as she came in the apartment and hugged me.

"Hey Sierra" I said as I hugged her back.


So how do you guys like it or was it horrible and I have to rewrite?!!! Anyways guys 30K plus more!!!! Thanks guys that means slots to me :)

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