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"I'm so nervous" I said as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Your going to be fine" Angie said as she rubbed her hands on my shoulder. "You look so beautiful"

"Thanks Angie," I said. "Where's your little pumpkin" I said referring to Richie. He was sitting on a chair that was in the same room as us eating a lollipop.

"I can't believe he's already a year and a month" She said.

"I know it feels like if it were just yesterday that you had him" I said. "Times flys right before you eyes"

"You got that right" she said. "But time brought me happiness" she said as she put Richie on her hip.

She was right time flys but it brings happiness.

"es la hora" my mom said as a tear ran down her eye. (It's time)

My dad was staring from the door smiling. His eyes were red from crying. My mom put the veil on with out messing up my hair.

"estás preciosa. Estás lista" my dad said as he wrapped his arm with mine. (Your look beautiful, you ready)

I nodded my head as we walked out of my old room and then downstairs, the bridesmaids behind us.

The bridesmaids went ahead and got In they're positions. Angie was the last one to go.

I took one big breath before we started walking on isle. I couldn't stop smiling at Cameron. This is one of the best days I have ever experienced.

"You're going to remember this day forever" my dad said with his Mexican accent that he has when he talks English.

I nodded my head. we got closer and closer.

"Take care of my daughter" my dad said once he had left me right next to Cameron.

"I will" Cameron said and smiled at him.

My dad went to sit down and the father started saying the vowels. Cameron and I couldn't stop staring at each other.


"I do" Cameron said.

"And Rebecca Marie Gomez, do you take Cameron Alexander Dallas to be your lawful wedded husband" the father said. (Correct me if I did something wrong)

"I do" I said.

"You may kiss your wife now" the father told Cameron.

He didn't hesitate he just went for it.

This is just the being of my life. I said to myself.


"Congrats" a close friend said to Cameron and I.

"Thank you" we both said.

"Let's take a walk" Cameron said to my ear. I nodded my head.

We walked away from the party for a little.

"So what are we doing after this" I asked cam.

"Well I was thinking we can go because I'm very exhausted" he smiled. I hit shoulder.

"Yknow what I mean, for reals what are we doing." I asked as I hugged on to his arm.

"Well whatever adventure is next" he said.

One more chapter

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