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"Hey Rebecca, I know you might not hear this, but I love you, I really miss you, I need you right here in my arms. You might not want to see me or hear me right now but I want to see, hear, touch you. Rebecca I'm lost without you. You obviously don't care because you left me alone. But I'm not mad because i deserved it. And I'm very sorry that hurt you. Just come back, I miss your hugs, and the way you make me laugh." I cried to the phone. "I love you"

I put my phone away and got up to get a beer from the fridge.

"Bro, really that's your tenth one today sense you woke up at eleven, it's now three." Nash said annoyed by my actions. "Cameron she's not going to be gone for long"

"How do you know that" I asked opening my beer.

"Cause Cameron, she loves you. All she needed was a break Cameron, break" Nash asked.

"Nash but what if after the 'break' it's not the same Nash, everything changes" I said and after took a big gulp of my beer.

"Don't know what to tell you Cameron. But all I'm going to say right now is that she misses you" Nash said. "Well I'll see you tomorrow"

"Where you going" I asked him.

"I have a girl that's pregnant and needs food" nash laughed.

"Oh yeah I forgot" I laughed. "Tell her I said hi"

"I will, bye Cameron" he said.

"Bye nash" I said.

"Oh any if I see that fridge filled with beer again tomorrow I'll beat you" he joked.


He then left and I was alone, again.

Becky's pov//

"Hey Mario" I said as he was outside my door.

"Hey girl" he hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"What are you doing here" I asked him.

"I'm just visiting the city for some business, and I heard you were here so I thought I would visit you" he smiled.

"Well come in" I said as I opened the door for him to come in.

"Your place looks good" he said as he observed the place.

"I know right" I said.

Mario looked me up and down. "Girl you look like shit" he laughed.

"I know, I just not in the mood" I frowned.

"I'm sorry" he frowned to. "But girl you need to take a shower and get changed because we're going out, you need to have some fun and not be sad the whole time."

"Going out where exactly" I asked him.

"Um club obviously" he said in a duh tone. I laughed a little. "There's your smile" he smiled.

"Did you forget I just turned 20, I'm not old enough" I said as I raised my eyebrows.

"Don't worry girl, I know the owner of the club he'll let us in" Mario said surely.

"Ok, fine" I gave in. "But pick my outfit while I'm in the shower"

"Ok" he said as entered my bathroom to take a shower.


Short ass chapter sorry y'all for the shorts chapters lately. But there will be longer chapters soon bye my lovers,

534 words

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