Chapter 1

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Liv's POV
As soon as I felt my worn-out combat boots hit the soft grass, I took off running for my life and didn't look back. I could hear him screaming my name, calling me, threatening me that if I didn't stop he was gonna kill me.  I was running so fast that I wasn't even aware of the curb in front of me, and before I knew it I felt my head connect with the hard blacktop of the street.

When I awoke, I found myself lying in the familiar, broken, lumpy bed that I call my own. I relaxed, realizing it was all a dream.  That my abusive father hadn't come home drunk and hadn't chased me across the neighborhood with his switchblade.  I was still tired, so I allowed myself to close my eyes for a few more minutes.

I was about to drift off to sleep when my father angrily burst through the door. I rolled over to face him, confused as to why he had come in. He stared me straight in the eye and said, "If you ever, and I mean ever, try to run from me again I swear I will kill you right then and there."
Oh no.  That hadn't been a dream. I saw something shiny in his back pocket, and I immediately knew what it was. His 6 inch switchblade. I looked back up at him, and by now he was livid with anger. "Look at me when I am talking to you!"  He screamed. 

I couldn't tell if he was drunk or not.  "I hate you! You are nothing but a mistake!  Get out of my house right now and never come back!" He yelled. I was paralyzed with fear, and couldn't move. My eyes darted around the room, formulating a plan to escape in case he tried anything funny. I noticed my window was open, and my switchblade was on my night table right next to my bed.

My eyes made their way back up to his, and his face was contorted with anger. It was then that he lunged at me, and from then on everything seemed to move in slow motion. My reflexes kicked in and I threw my hand over to grab my switchblade and swung my legs off the bed, towards the window. He had me by the arm now and I fought to get it loose. He slapped me across the face, and it stung sharply for a few seconds, but then I resumed fighting for my arm. I jerked it hard, and he let go. With my switchblade in hand, I made a lunge towards my window, and started falling towards the yard. My feet hit the ground and I rolled to my knees, trying to absorb the impact from falling from a two story window. I turned around, and laughed when I saw my father look out the window at me in disbelief. I gave him a smug smile before turning and running as fast as I could away from that place, away from New York.

Hey guys! This is my first fanfic so please don't criticize!  Please remember to comment and vote! Thanks!

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