Chapter 7

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After my little panic attack last night, I fell back asleep for a few hours. When I woke up, I saw little rays of light coming through the side of the blinds on the window. The light splashed across my room, creating a soft glow against the darkness. I sat up and stretched, remembering that I was going to meet the gang today. I was so excited! I was also a little nervous, but I would never tell Dally that. I slid my feet out from under the covers, and walked into the bathroom to get ready. I took a hot shower, dried my hair, applied a little mascara and blush, and went to pick out my outfit. I walked over to my closet with the towel wrapped snugly around me. I looked around for a minute, and finally decided on some light wash ripped jeans and a white crop top. I slid my leather jacket on and laced up my white high top converse and I was ready to go. I walked down the stairs to find Dally and Buck having a conversation. "Ready?" Dally asked.

"Yup! I can't wait to meet 'em!" I exclaimed. We walked out of the bar and started down the cracked sidewalk.

"The Curtis house isn't that far away, only a few blocks."Dally explained.

We walked the rest of he way in silence. It wasn't as awkward silence, but a calm silence that I enjoyed. Before I knew it we stood in front of a white house. The paint was chipping and the fence was broken but it was still charming. I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs behind Dally. He opened up the door and I saw a bunch of tough-looking guys either sitting on a couch or sprawled out on the floor. A few of them were really cute. "Hey guys." Dally said.

"Who's the new broad Dally?" One of them asked without even looking over.

"That ain't no broad. That's my kid sister, Liv." Dally said.

"WHAT???" They all screamed, looking confused.

"Yep, I found out I had a kid sister living in New York so I went to find her."

"Haha Dally, the jokes up, now who is she."

"I'm tellin' you guys, she's my kid sister! Do I need to beat it into ya?" Dally yelled, getting a little mad. I stood there awkwardly until Dally turned around. "And y'all are probably scarin' her too!"

"Hi, I'm Olivia, but you can call me Liv." I said shyly. Usually I'm not shy but I was a little overwhelmed.

"Hi Liv, I'm Sodapop, but you can call me Soda." One said with a gorgeous smile. He was really handsome.

"Hey, I'm Steve." One of them said. He was lean and had really bad teeth. Ew.

"Hi, I'm Johnny." A small boy said quietly.

"Hey baby, the name's Two-Bit." Another handsome one said with a cute smile. He had gorgeous dancing grey eyes.

"Hello, my name is Darry. I'm Sodapop's and Pony's older brother." A tall, muscular man said.
And then a tall, lean boy walked out of the hallway. He looked at the gang and then at me. We made eye contact for a second, and I noticed his sparkling green-grey eyes. "Uh, hi, I'm Ponyboy. But uh, you can call me Pony if you want."
Man, was he a real  looker. He had blonde, greased back hair, but it didn't look dirty. He had a really good build, with broad shoulders and just the right amount of muscle. His face was finely drawn, and he had a strong jawline. He looked about my age, and I was suddenly sweating. We stared at each other for a minute, and the Two-Bit said," Hey look, they're already in love!" We both shot him a death glare, and looked back and each other and blushed.

"Well, I'm bored," Dally said, breaking the silence. "Who wants to go to the Dingo?"

"What's the Dingo?" I asked. Everybody sighed.
"It's a drive in. Ya know, like a movie theatre." Pony explained. Then I heard a chorus of yeses and before I knew it we were heading out the door, walking down the street again, this time not just me and Dally, but with the whole gang. I was so happy I finally made friends.
Hey guys! Lol I don't really like this chapter but I needed to put something up for you guys, so I hope you enjoy it. Please remember to vote and comment!!!

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