Chapter 10

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When I woke up, it was still dark outside. I looked at the clock: 3:45. I looked around at the gang watching everyone sleep. I know it may sound creepy, but it wasn't. They all looked younger in their sleep. Especially Pony. I studied his face, all of the sharp lines and creases now faded with relaxation. He has a really strong jawline, like the other Curtis brothers, and he has a finely drawn face. I took a deep breath and realized that I was falling for him. Hard. But he would never like me back...I'm just you average girl with brown eyes and ash blonde hair. He was so much more than an average boy, though. His sparkling green-gray eyes, his perfect, blonde, greased back hair, his gorgeous smile.

Uugghhh. Why did I have to be so average? I got up and went into the kitchen to get a drink. I poured myself some water and I heard shuffling coming from where the gang and I were sleeping. I hoped it was Pony. I leaned against the counter and smoothed out my hair, waiting to see who was up. I didn't hear anything for thirty seconds, and I had a good idea. I crouched behind the counter, ready to scare anyone who came here. I silently waited and saw the outline of someone in the dark. They flipped on the light and said,

"Hello?" I stayed quiet until they crept over.

Then, as soon as I saw them, I jumped out and shouted, "Boo!" Then I realized it was Soda, and he squealed like a little girl and jumped back, flailing his arms around wildly. I broke out in laughter, tears streaming down my cheeks. The look on his face was priceless. He looked at me and soon his expression turned from terrified to mischevious. He lunged at me and I screamed as he picked me up on his shoulders laughing. He carried me into the tv room and plopped me on the couch next to Pony. Pony stirred, about to wake up, and Soda looked at me with a smug smile and made a heart with his hands and a kissy face. He ran away into the kitchen again, leaving me with Pony who was now waking up. He looked at me and I think my heart melted. He looked so cute with his bed head and tired expression.

"What's going on, Liv?" He questioned in a raspy voice.

"I scared your brother in the kitchen and he picked me up and tossed me on the couch." I explained, giving Soda a glare, who was hiding like a child behind the kitchen wall. Pony sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh Soda..." He said sighed and drifted off back to sleep. I snuggled up next to him and he put his arm around me. I dozed off again, thinking about how hard I was falling for him.
Hey! I hope y'all like this chapter! It will start getting a little more exciting in the upcoming chapters! Please remember to share, vote, and comment!

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