Chapter 5

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I hit my head against the car door, and woke up with a jolt. I looked around, briefly forgetting where I was and who was driving. Once the memories flooded back into my mind, I asked sleepily, "How far away from Tulsa are we?"

"Uh, I think about 45 minutes.  Not too long." He stated, staring straight ahead at the road.

"Ok. Since we have a while left, let's get to know each other." I said.

"Ok. I'll go first: How old are you?" He questioned.

"I'm fourteen."  I replied.

"Really..."  He said, smiling and laughing to himself.

"Yeah, what's so funny about that?" I snapped. Why was he laughing?

"Oh, it's nothing. I just know someone you may want to meet."  He explained and muttered something under his breath.

"What? You know what, never mind. So what's Tulsa like? Is it nice?" I exclaimed.

"Tulsa is pretty nice on the west side, but a little rough on the east. We live on the east. But don't worry, it's not that bad. I am part of a gang and I think you guys will get along just fine."  He stated. Then he went on to explain what socs and greasers are, and how I was going to be a greaser.

"Wait, you said you're part of a gang? Are they bad people, like, criminals?" I said worriedly.

"Yep I'm part of a gang.  But no, they are not bad people. They are pretty nice." He explained. 

"Ok, so who's in your little gang?"

"So first we have the Curtis brothers. Darrel Curtis, who we call Darry, is the oldest one of the brothers. Next is Sodapop, yes that's his actual name, and he's real charming and nice. He's the middle brother. Then it's Ponyboy, who we call Pony, who is the youngest and is your age, 14.  Then we have Steve Randle, who is Sodas best buddy. He can be annoying sometimes, but is still ok. Next we have Two-Bit Mathews. He's always crackin' jokes and smarting off to the cops. And last is Johnny Cade.  Johnny is real high-strung because his parents abuse him and he was beaten up by the socs recently. They beat him up real bad. He's pretty shy too. Anyway, they are all great guys and I think you'll like 'em." He explained.

"Wow, sounds like you found your place in Tulsa. I sure hope I find mine." I said quietly. I wasn't sure if the gang would actually be nice to me. Maybe they won't like me. That would be horrible.  I would be on my own again while Dallas was with his friends. No, that's not gonna happen, I thought. They are gonna like me and we are gonna become good friends. I was deep in though when Dally spoke and brought me back to reality.  He said we were almost at his apartment. As we drove through Tulsa, I looked intently around at all the streets and lots and parks. It seemed like a charming little town. As Dally was roarin' down the road, I noticed a group of boys walking down the sidewalk by a DX gas station. Dally kept driving, and they waved at each other as they passed.

"Was that them?" I asked.

"Yup, it was. They are all headin' down to the DX now. That's where Soda and Steve work. I'll let you get settled in today and you can meet them tomorrow if you want." He said nonchalantly. 

"Sure, that sounds great!" I spoke excitedly.  Omg am I really going to meet a group of tough boys tomorrow? I should be nervous, but I'm really excited. I tell myself to calm down as we pull into a gravel lot next to a bar called Buck's.

"Well, this is it!" Dally said.

"Wait, you live in a bar?"
"Yep, I sure do! And your gonna live in one too! There is an extra room that Buck is letting me have for you. It's not that big, but it'll have to do." He replied.

"Ok, as long as I don't have to sleep on the streets again I'm good with whatever." And with that I yanked my backpack out of the car and walked over the the entrance. It was nothing fancy; the bar had bright red glowing letters on the front that said "Buck's" on it. The k was flickering on and off. The building was painted beige, and the inside was the same color. It had a mahogany counter top and some matching bar stools to go along with it. There was a man standing behind the counter. I assumed he was Buck.

"Hey Buck."  Dally said.

"Hey Dal.  Picked up a new broad I see, eh?" Buck said, clearly interested.

"Nope, this is my kid sister, Liv." He said, popping the p.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." I greeted as politely as I could. I watched him size me up no I squirmed a little, not wanting the attention.

"Buck leave 'er alone. I can't have you creepin' her out, old man." Dally dismissed.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down.  Just checkin' out what is going to be using my room upstairs. ". Buck said and winked at me.
I turned to Dallas and whispered, "Let's go to your apartment. This guy is creepin' me out." I said hurriedly.

"Ok see ya later Buck." Dally ended the conversation. We walked upstairs and Dally apologized for Buck. He explained that once he knows ya he won't be weird like that anymore. We walked into my room and I gasped. I was awesome! It was painted a mint green color and had a white bed and white dresser. They looked a little worn out and the walls were a little scuffed up, but it will do. I unpacked my stuff and did a little cleaning before collapsing on my bed. I stared up on the wall and thought, "How did I get this lucky? First I find out I have a brother and then I get a new room!  Maybe my life will finally turn around for the better." And with that, I let the heaviness take over my eyelids and I drifted to sleep.

Hey guys! I had time to write a long chapter today! Tell me what you guys think! Let me know if there are any errors because I am running out of time in study hall to proof read this and I didn't want to keep you waiting. Please remember to vote, comment, and tell your friends to read this! Thanks!

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