Chapter 8

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As the gang and I walked down the sidewalk towards the Dingo, I saw a bright blue mustang out of the corner of my eye.  I turned around to face them and noticed a boy with nice clothes and curly hair behind the wheel. There was another boy, also dressed nicely, in the passenger seat, and a few more packed into the back. I thought it was weird that they were following us so I turned to Dally and told him.

He looked back and sighed, "I guess now is as good as any other time. Liv, those good-for-nothing dirtbags are the socs. The ones up front are Bob and Randy. They are the leaders. They like to jump greasers and steal our stuff. But with you, they may want something more, so stay close to us." And with that he turned back to walking, looking forward and pretending they were not there. A few seconds later, with the Dingo in sights, the sparkling blue mustang pulled up next to us. I was next to Pony, and he looked at me and said quickly, "Stay behind me. These guys can get pretty rough."


"Liv, just trust me." He said confidently. He pushed me behind him and he and the rest of the gang walked up to the car. They looked pretty tough. The socs got out of the car and grinned, looking past the gang towards me. They tried to push Pony out of the way, but he balled his hand into a fist and hit the soc square in the nose. He almost fell, but regained his balance and took a swing at Pony. Pony ducked and lunged forward at the soc, taking him down. Pony sat on top of him, wailing him in the face every time the soc moved. Then, the soc's friends were trying to take down the rest of the gang, but since they were all pretty good fighters, it wasn't that easy. After Pony knocked out the soc he was fighting, he turned to me to see if I was ok. I told him I was and he turned to go back to the fight.

A soc was lying on the ground, and quickly jumped up and lunged at me. I dodged his flying body, and as he turned to face me I helicopter kicked him, sending him to the ground. I kicked him in the ribs, and he didn't get up again. I smiled with triumph, my adrenaline up, and I jumped on the back of the soc that Dally was fighting. I covered his eyes, binding him, so Dally could knock him in the face a few times. Then, I jumped off him and tapped on another soc's shoulder. He turned around, into my fist. Ha. Pretty soon the gang and I had knocked out most of the socs and the ones we didn't knock out were runnin' like little babies.

"Woah, Liv, I didn't expect you to be so good at fighting." Soda said.

"Yup, I've been in a few fights here or there." I said nonchalantly.

"Cool, I like a girl who can fight." Two-Bit said with a goofy grin on his face.

"Yeah Liv, that was pretty impressive!" Pony cheered.
I blushed, and began to walk towards the Dingo again. Pony came up next to me, and we walked there side by side, trailing behind the gang. Soon we made it to the Dingo and took our seats, waiting for the movie to start.

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