Chapter 20

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Dally's POV
I've been really upset since I hit Liv. I didn't mean to, it just happened. She just made me so angry and I got really pissed and...ugh. I need to go talk to her but I don't want to go if she's not ready to talk.

I was out lookin' for some trouble and I saw some hood running down the sidewalk at breakneck speed and some broad chasing him. Ha. He probably knocked her up. I kept walking until I heard a blood curdling scream for help. It sounded so familiar...thirty seconds later I saw the same broad as before run out of an alley with some guys chasing her. Ah well, I might as well go help her. I ran over and picked up the guy that was on her. I knocked him in the face a few times and then dropped him. He ran like a coward. Then I looked down at the girl. Her hair was covering her face and her shirt was darkening with blood. I looked closer and what I discovered made me sick. It was Liv. And she was cut bad.
Liv's POV
Dally ran over and picked me up.

"Liv! Oh my god! What happened? Are you ok? I'm so sorry!" Dally said. I was a little out of it, but right now I needed a shoulder to lean on I agreed.

"I'm o-ok Dal. It-it's ok." I was able to get out a few words, but then the loss of blood started to affect me. I heard footsteps in the background getting louder and louder.

"Dally! Is she ok? I went to check on Soda and Steve and when I came back she wasn't there!" Must be Pony. I closed my eyes while Dally tied his shirt around my stomach to stop the bleeding.

"Pony! Call Darry! We need him to give Liv stitches NOW!" Dally yelled as Pony ran to the nearest pay phone. I felt my body being lifted off the ground and I closed my eyes. I opened them up again when we started moving. Towards the Curtis house, I assume. Everything was blurry. The next thing I knew I was on the familiar, torn up couch with a cold cloth over my forehead. Someone burst through the door, and my head started to pound at the loud sound. I heard muffled voices.

"Get over here! She's loosing a lot of blood! Hurry!"

"Get me the first aid kit!" I heard a bottle being unscrewed and seconds later I was screaming in pain as the peroxide washed over a cut on my head, cleaning out and disinfecting at the same time. It stung so bad I fought to stay awake. Then it moved down to my stomach. I screamed as the cool liquid ran into the cut on my stomach. I felt a searing pain traveling across my stomach and it was too much--I couldn't stay awake. The pain was so severe that I couldn't handle it, and darkness fought with my eye lids and pulled them shut. I was out cold.
Pony's POV
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! Liv was jumped! It looks real bad too! I can't believe I wasn't there for her and couldn't save her! I'm so stupid! I never should have left her alone! Aaaaahhhh! She is screaming bloody murder. It must be so painful, I don't know how she's still awake-- wup, never mind, she just passed out. Ugh. I'm so sorry Liv. I wasn't using my head. Thank god Dally was there to save her or she could've died. Poor Liv.
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