Chapter 22

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Liv's POV
After binge watching a movie marathon until three a.m., Pony and I fell asleep on the couch. We slept until noon the next day. The only reason we woke up is because Soda came home from work early and woke us up. He claims that when he left, we didn't exactly look asleep (whatever that means) and he didn't want us staying alone for that long. It's soooo annoying that we can't spend some quality time together. Whatever.  Soda said he was going out with Steve for a few minutes and would be back soon, leaving Pony and I awake with nothing to do. We decided to go for a walk, so I went to go throw some shoes on. Pony said he had to go get something...he's been acting really weird all morning. He came back and we set out for our walk. We went really slowly because of my cut, but soon ended up on top of a hill overlooking Tulsa. It was beautiful. The way the sun hit the city made it glow.

"Liv...ever since I met you my life has been different. Before it was boring, ordinary, and every day was the same. But when you showed up, everything changed for the better. Liv, I can't imagine life without you. And that's why I'm giving you this..." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small box. Inside was an elegant silver ring with two hearts on the top.

"This is a promise ring. It means that whatever happens, we'll always love each other. It also means that in four years you'll marry me?" He asked, laughing a little at the end.

"Of course I will Pony. I couldn't live without you either." And with that, he slipped the ring on my finger and held my hand. We started the long journey back to his home. My home. I sighed happily. With Pony by my side, I'll be ready for anything. Together we can play this game called life. We can not only get through it, but take it by storm. We can beat the socs, beat Tulsa, beat the odds stacked against two greasers who have never left their home town... Together we can do anything. And we will.
GUYS!!! THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! I am already writing an epilogue so don't worry...not really the last chapter. Thank you to everyone who read this story. This is my first ever fanfic and I'm glad you have stuck with me. I am planning to start a new book, but not for The Outsider. I'm going to make one about Teen Beach Movie. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm too old for that but I don't care! I looooove Garrett Clayton so yeah I'm doing one with his character in that movie. Remember to check that one out too!Lol he's like the only hot Disney star...anywho, please remember to vote, comment, and share! Good bye fellow greasers!

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