Chapter 9

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Liv's POV
We sat in the first few rows, taking up a lot of seats. In the first row it was Dally, Sodapop, Steve, and Two-Bit. The next row was Johnny, Pony, and me. Darry couldn't come because he had work. After the movie started, Pony stood up and asked if anyone wanted popcorn or soda. I told him I would go with him to get the snacks so he wouldn't drop anything. Dally, Soda, Steve, Two-Bit, and Johnny all wanted soda and popcorn. Pony and I walked over to the line for the concession stand. It was pretty long, but I didn't care. It would give me more time to talk to Pony. He turned to face me and again I was hit with the beauty of his green-gray eyes. I smiled and he said quietly, "Why are there so many socs here tonight? They should'a stayed on their side of town."

"It's ok Pony. They'll leave us alone, and if they don't then we will have to teach them a lesson." I said punching the air.

"Yeah, remind me never to get on your bad side," he said sarcastically with a smile.

"Hey, don't mess with me!" I laughed and punched his shoulder. He didn't even sway a little. He just looked at me like he was trying to hold in laughter. I looked at him too, and we broke out hysterically laughing. We got a bunch of looks from people on the line, but that just made us laugh harder. After another few minutes, it was our turn to order. We got six popcorns and seven sodas. I carried the popcorn and Pony carried the soda. I don't now how we managed to get back there without spilling anything. After distributing the snacks between the gang, Pony and I retreated back to our seats. We shared a popcorn, and I rested my head on his shoulder. His shirt was so soft and he smelled so good.

He yawned, looking at me out of the corner of his eye, and as he yawned he stretched out his arms and put one around me.

"That's the oldest trick in the book, Ponyboy." I said giggling. He just used a yawn as an excuse to put his arm around me. Oh, Pony. We sat like that for the rest of the movie, and when it ended, the gang and I got up and started making our way to the Curits house. When we got there, Darry was sleeping in the armchair.

Pony and Soda looked at each other mischievously, and Soda whispered, "I'll get the whipped cream," while Pony said, "I'll get the feather!" The two boys dashed off to different parts of the house to get what they needed. In thirty seconds they were back. Soda crept over to Darry and put whipped cream in his hand. Pony tip-toed over and tickled Darry's nose with a feather. Darry smacked his hand into his face, causing him to get whipped cream was in his hair, on his face, and on part of the chair. Pony and Soda burst out laughing and fell on the floor. We were all crying we were laughing so hard. Darry jumped up from the chair and picked up Pony and Soda. He looked at them and yelled seriously,

"That's the third time this week! I can't believe you two! I have to stop buying whipped cream!" I stopped laughing, along with the rest of the gang, because Darry wasn't smiling and looked dead serious. The looks on Pony and Soda's faces were priceless. There was a moment of tension before Darry dropped them and started laughing.

The three brothers started to wrestle, and in less than a minute Darry had them both in choke holds. He let them go, and we all started laughing again. Then Soda got the whipped cream bottle and pretty soon it was an all-out food fight. Five minutes later everyone was covered in whipped cream from head to toe. After a few minutes of cleaning up, we all watched Micky Mouse. It was really late, and soon everyone was asleep. I felt my eye lids get heavy, and soon darkness overwhelmed me.
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