Chapter 6

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I was in a deep sleep when I suddenly woke up screaming. I was panicking, I couldn't breath. My eyes darted around the room and I finally calmed down when I realized it was a dream-no, nightmare. Dallas ran into my room, not even bothering to knock.

I was sitting on my bed, shaking, and he had a concerned and confused look on his face. I sighed and realized I was gonna have to tell him what was going on. Ever since my mom died my dad became an alcoholic and began to beat me. One day he came home drunk late at night when I was sleeping. He called me from downstairs and I woke up and went down. I couldn't tell he was drunk because he had only shouted my name. But that became apparent when I saw him. He was moving sluggishly and unnaturally. When he heard me, he spun on his heels and slapped me across the face. I gasped, my face stinging real badly. I turned back toward him, getting angry. He met my gaze, locking our eyes. He said, "You little bitch, you are the one who killed my wife! I hate you! I wish you were never born ya good for nothing piece of shit!
I looked at him, hurt and angered at his words. I was on the defense, so when he stomped over to me I was ready. He took a swing at me and I dodged it. Then he kicked me in the stomach ( didn't see that coming) and I fell to the ground. He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the kitchen. I cried out, and he opened a drawer and pulled out a steak knife. It was at least ten inches long, and I was terrified. He shoved me against the counter and started screaming again. He drove the shiny silver knife through the kitchen cabinet and it sliced through with ease. He looked at me, grinning, and said, "Run." I ran as fast as I could to my room. I locked the door and hid in the closet. I tried to steady my breath as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He jiggled the knob on my door, and when it wouldn't open, he body slammed it, causing it to break under the pressure. He looked under my bed, muttering something under his breath. Then he wandered over to the closet. I was trying my best not to have a panic attack. He opened up the closet door and I screamed. He grabbed my arm and spun me around. He took the gleaming knife and slid it down my back, tearing the skin and leaving a deep red gash. He threw me down and left. I was laying there for two days before my friend found me and called the police. That had really scarred me (emotionally and physically) and I was petrified of my dad after that.

I explained this to Dallas and he looked like he was gonna explode. "Wow. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. That sounds horrific." He said quietly and gave me a hug. I was crying a little, remembering the horrible memory. I had nightmares all the time, but little did I know that was soon going to change.
OOOOOOHHHH NOOOOOOO! That would be so scary in real life. But next chapter she's gonna meet the gang! Woohoo! That will be a really fun chapter to write! Remember to vote and comment! Thanks!

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