Chapter 16

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Ponyboy's POV (A Month Later)
We. Can't. Find. Liv. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I can't live without her. We've been looking for weeks and we still can't find her. We've looked in every warehouse, alley, and soc house. I can't get over my depression. Neither can the gang. I feel like I've known her for years, not months, and everything I do reminds me of her. We're going out again today to search for my missing girl. I really hope we find her. I don't think I could live without her that much longer...

Liv's POV
I can't feel my legs. I've been tied up for so long that my legs aren't moving When I tell them to. I don't know if they ever will again. Every day Bob comes and beats me. I only get bread every other day, and I feel like I'm slowly dying. The only thing that motivates me is Pony. I know him and the gang are searching for me. I can feel it. I close my eyes, trying to save my strength. I've been plotting my way out of here for the past few weeks. Bob always has the keys attached to his belt loop. If I could just get them, I could escape. I wiggle my way out of the restraints (thank god Bob sucks at tying knots) and relax. Today my plan falls into action. All I have to do is wait.

My eyes shoot open as I hear heavy footsteps coming towards my cell. I am ready. Bob walks in and strolls over to my chair. I look away as he punches me in the stomach and I cuss him out. I hear the keys jingling and I jump out of my chair and rip the keys off his khakis. I bolt out the door and quickly shut it, locking him in there without the keys. Ha. He gets a taste of his own medicine. My legs were numb and I felt dizzy from all the sudden activity. I run up stairs into a very neat, nice house. Undeniably a soc house. My eyes frantically search for a door, and as I spot one I run as fast as my legs can carry me. I heard Bob screaming curse words and yelling that he's gonna kill me. I lunge out the door and run out into the road. Then, dizziness overwhelms me and I fall to the floor. I lay there for a minute, willing myself to get up and go on. I push myself up onto my knees and crawl to the sidewalk. I looked up to see an oddly familiar truck coming down the road--Darry's truck. It speeds up and stops short right next to me. My vision went blurry and I heard car doors slamming and people shouting. I fought the darkness as best as I could. I felt a gust of air next to me and saw a figure sitting next to me. "Shhh," A familiar voice whispered, "Everything's gonna be ok..." And with that, I fell out of consciousness into an interminable slumber.
Hey guys! Wow. I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has stuck with me throughout this book. I'm at 99 reads...I never thought I would ever get that many! You all have really made me want to keep this book going. Again, thank you. One read may be small to you, but to me it means the world. I'm happy people actually like reading my work. Sorry to nag, but please share, vote, and comment to help me reach my goal of 1,000 reads! It may seem far away, but then again 100 reads seemed impossible to me at first...anything is possible if you try! (;

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