Chapter 21

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I finally came to my senses at about noon the next day. I really need to stop getting jumped. I tried to get up but fell back down because of a searing pain in my stomach. Damn. I must have been stabbed. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now except go on with my business and suck it up.
I'm sooooooo worried about Liv. She didn't look good last night. I better go check on her. I walked over to me and Soda's room and opened the door as quietly as I could. I peeked in only to find Liv walking around, up and about.

"LIV! Get back in bed! You were stabbed for christ's sake!" I screamed.

"Huh? Oh hi Pony! I'm fine, really, I was just..." I cut her off again.

"You were just what? Going about your daily life as if you weren't just stabbed by a soc? Thank god Dally was there or you could've died!" I ranted. Her stubbornness was sometimes too much to handle.

"C'mon Pony, it's not that bad. Just a little stab. It's not like I'm running five miles or something, I'm just walking around the room!" She hissed, not wanting to be told what to do.

"Stop. If you hurt yourself I will NOT be happy. Now either you go back to bed or come on the couch before I make you." I sneered back. Two can play at that game. Hehe.

"I'll go on the couch. Maybe we can watch a movie or something." She finally gave in.

"Ok, let's go!"
Heeeyyyy...sorry it took so long to update. Also, sorry it's such a short chapter. I'm running out of ideas for this book...i'll probably end it soon. Sorry! Anyway, please remember to vote, comment, and share. ALSO, let me know if y'all have any good ideas for this book. I think I'm finally getting over The Outsiders after almost a year of obsession. I never thought THAT would happen! Anywho, thanks for reading!

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