Chapter 12

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I suddenly felt my eyes flutter open and my body return to life. I looked around, noticing all of the wires attached to me. My vision was blurry, and I had a pounding head ache. I saw that I was in a white room. Oh no, this can't be a hospital. Nothing good happens in a hospital. I looked around again and noticed someone sitting in the chair beside my bed with their face in their hands. It was Pony. "Pony!" I screamed.

"Liv! I thought I lost you! You were unconscious for three days and the doctors said you may never wake up!"

"Wow. I can't believe that. I almost died."

"Yeah, you lost so much blood that they needed more to keep you alive. You got a blood transfusion." (A/n I don't know what it's called when you get more blood from someone else so I just called it a blood transfusion, lol)

"Eww really? I got a random stranger's blood? Gross!" I squealed.

"Actually, it wasn't some random person..." Pony replied, rolling the sleeve up on his shirt. I saw a bandaid on his arm and thought for a second.

"Pony, you were the one who gave me the blood?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said, blushing.

"Wow. Thank you..." I said quietly, not believing the kindness this boy had in him.

"Ya know Liv, I really thought I was gonna lose you.  I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from those damn socs. I am beyond thankful that you survived. This really taught me to live in the moment. You never know how long you have next. And that's why I'm gonna do this..." He trailed off. In one swift motion got up from the chair and had me in his arms. I looked into his endless green-grey eyes, and then he kissed me. I was shocked, but overcome with joy. I felt fireworks go off inside of me, and I kissed him back. We broke after a minute because we both needed air.

"Liv, I've really liked you every since we met. Although I've only known you for a few weeks, I feel like I've known you forever. Liv, will you be my girl?" He asked, his voice gentle and charming.

"Yes, of course!" I exclaimed. We pressed our foreheads together and stared into each other's eyes. I completely forgot that I had been unconscious five minutes ago, but I felt fine so I packed up to leave. The doctor came I to give me the release form, and after I signed it, we left. Pony explained to me that the gang was worried sick, but had to work and go to school, but that they dropped by whenever they could. But Ponyboy stayed by my side the entire time. He even slept at the hospital...I'm so happy that he likes me back! I've liked him for a while now...his beautiful eyes, his perfectly greased-back hair, everything. He took my hand as we walked down the sidewalk to the Curtis house in silence, but this time as a couple.
YYYAAAAAYYYY! They finally kissed! Please remember to vote, comment, and share! It really makes my day! Thanks guys!

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