Chapter 19

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I woke up early the next morning so I would be on time for my shift at the DX. Soda and Steve made it very clear not to be late, even though they are late for at least half of their shifts. Pony was still sleeping, so I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and did my hair. When I walked into Pony and Soda's room, I found a baby blue DX shirt on the bed. On it was a note that read:
This shirt is for you, Liv. Soda gave me our uniforms last night, but you were already sleeping so I didn't want to wake you. I'm in the kitchen making breakfast. Come out when your ready so we can eat.
I grabbed the shirt and put it on over a white tank top, leaving it unbuttoned. I threw on some jeans and walked out of the room into the kitchen. Pony was making eggs and as soon as I walked in he said, "Mornin' Liv."

"Mornin' Pony." I replied.

"Give me one sec to finish these."

"Ok." I walked over to the table and sat down. I watched him cook the eggs. His hair was all messed up from sleeping and was sticking out in different directions. I giggled and he looked around and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"Your hair, I've never seen it without grease before!" I giggled again and got up. I walked over to him and hugged him from behind.

"Yeah, well, I didn't have time yet to put it in-" I cut him off with a kiss. It was strong and passionate, and with one swift motion he put the frying pan down and turned off the stove. He put his hands on my lower back and I put mine on the back of his head. We kept kissing until we needed air, and I looked down at my watch briefly. 7 o'clock. Wait! It's 7! We're late!

"Pony, I'd love to continue this, but we're late!"

"Shoot!" He yelled and ran into his bedroom. He emerged about thirty seconds later in jeans and a DX shirt. He ran to the bathroom to fix his hair. I ran over to the eggs and decided we didn't have time to sit and eat so I made some toast and made an egg sandwich. As soon as I was done making those, Pony ran out and I quickly slipped on my white high-top converse. We both stood up, looked at each other, and took off down the sidewalk to the DX.

Pony and I were both on the track team, so we ran the mile long journey in about six minutes. When we got there, we were both panting because we sprinted there. I ran into the store and Pony ran into the garage to find Steve and Soda. I ran behind the counter and luckily no one was there. Pony came in a minute later and said we would be working the counter and store part of the DX while they worked the garage and gas pumps. We would stay there as long and Steve and Soda stayed, so that was an 8 hour shift. At least I have Pony.

We basically just chatted unless there was a customer. We got a few customers and they were very polite. It was all going well until some mouth breather decided to try to steal a pack of cigarettes. Pony was checking up on Soda and Steve, so I was alone in the store. Some guy came in and started looking around. He walked around the store for about 10 minutes until I got wise and asked him to leave.

"Hey Buddy, I think it's time for you to go!" I yelled at him. He looked at me with a real sketchy expression and then grabbed a pack of Kools. He made a break for it, and I jumped over the counter and ran after him. He ran down the sidewalk and turned off into an alley. I, not suspecting any funny business, followed him in and the next thing I knew I was pinned against the cold brick wall. There were no lights so I couldn't see my attackers. All I could hear was a raspy voice.

"Listen here, greaser. We've been watching you and we think it's time for some fun." He sneered. He pulled something out of his pocket and I heard a familiar yet terrifying noise--a switchblade opening. It was pressed against my throat, and I felt my arms and legs being held against the wall. Uh oh. I don't like where this is going.

"HELP! ANYONE! HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could. The guy with the raspy voice was tall and muscular. No way I could take him, especially with his friends here as backup and him holding a switch and everything. He put his hand on the button of my jeans and I squirmed away. I had to think fast, so I gave him the toughest expression I could muster and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He went down temporarily and I made a break for it.

I ran for my life, but the attackers were gaining on me. One came up right next to me and tackled me, his body crushing mine. He held a switch up to my throat and I tried to crawl away. Then he punched me in the face and slid the switch down to my stomach. He pressed, and I could feel my shirt become covered in a warm sticky liquid. Crap! I was cut! I screamed one last time, and I heard footsteps running towards me. Great. I'm gonna die here. I looked up to see who it was. It was none other than the toughest, scariest greaser in Tulsa. It was Dallas Winston.
Hey guys! Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks to everyone reading this book, I've gotten so many reads in the past few days! YAAAASS! Please remember to vote, comment, and share and have a great 2017!

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