Chapter 13

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When we walked into the Curtis house, the whole gang was watching tv. "Hey Pony." Soda said, not bothering to look over.

"Hey guys," Pony replied.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat, and some of the gang turned their heads to look at me.

"LIV!" The whole gang chorused, and they all got up to hug me. Last was Dally and I buried my head in his chest, taking in the scent of leather from his jacket. I didn't mind it.

"Liv, I though I lost you..."He whispered. I just hugged him tighter, until Two-Bit shouted, "Look at Dally-wally hugging Livy-wivy!" He ran away giggling, knowing that he was gonna get whipped. Dally broke away and ran after Two-Bit. We were silent and heard some shuffling and banging in the other room.

"Cut it out, you two! Ya break it, ya buy it!" Darry shouted. Two minutes later Dally strutted in and Two-bit came out with his head hung low. Everyone started laughing. I walked over to Pony and we sat down on the couch. I put my head on his shoulder, and Soda ran over and plopped down next to me.

"So are you guys a thing?" He asked like an innocent child. Pony and I looked at each other and smiled.

"Yup!" We said in unison. Soda smiled, jumped up and ran away yelling, "STEVE I WON I WON I WON I WON!"

"What'd ya win, Soda?" I asked.

"Oh, Steve and I made a bet on when y'all would become a couple. I said when you came back from the hospital, but good ol' Stevie here disagreed, so we made a bet." Steve walked in mumbling something and handed Soda five bucks.

"Yeeessssssssss!" Soda pumped his fist in the air furiously.

"Remind me again, how old are you?" I said to Soda.

He put his hands on his hips and raised as eye brow. "Mentally, I'm 2 and a half, but physically, I'm 16. I'm a big boy!" Then he giggled in the girliest voice he could and skipped away. We all broke out laughing.

I turned to Pony and asked, "Do you want to go for a walk?"

"Sure, lemme get my jacket." He left to get his jacket and I put on my white, high-top converse and waited for him at the door. He returned with his leather jacket on and we walked out of the house. We walked to the park, and sat down on the monkey bars. We just sat there and talked for a while. Then, I heard the engine of a car. It was dark except for the streetlights illuminating the road. I saw the blue paint on the car shimmer and knew it was Randy and Bob. They pulled up into the park and got out of their car, clearly drunk.

"Lookie here boys. We got us a couple of greasers." Bob slurred, his beady eyes bearing down on us. Uh oh. This can't be good.
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