Chapter 2

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Dally's POV

I woke up, got out of bed, and made my way down the steps of Buck's, towards the bar. I sat down on one of the stools and sighed. I looked around for Buck, and when he didn't appear, I decided that he was at a rodeo or at some other place with his friends. I stood up and walked out, starting the short walk to the Curtis household.

As I turned the last corner I saw the familiar old white house. I stepped through the opening of the fence and walked in. They always keep their door unlocked. I plopped myself down on the couch and turned on the tv. It was still pretty early, and I watched tv until Darry came out of his room. He sluggishly walked into the kitchen and began to make eggs. I got up and walked in to help him with breakfast. "Hey Dal," Darry greeted sleepily.
"Hey Darry." I replied.

I walked back into the living room and took a nap on the couch. Soon after that Soda and Pony woke up and ate breakfast. I ate with them, and after that Soda left for work and Pony left for school. When they were gone, I sighed and got up. Man, was I bored.

I walked out the door, leaving it unlocked, and wandered over to the lot. I sat down on the curb and took out a smoke. I reached to my chest to grab the lighter attached to the thin, cold, metal chain hanging around my neck. I lit up the cigarette, and puffed out, trying to make smoke rings, but I was unsuccessful. I decided I would go see what good ol' Johnny was up to, so I picked myself up and walked to his house.

When I arrived at Johnny's house, I noticed there weren't any lights on. I pressed my ear up against the door, and held my breath, trying to pick up on any sound. When there was nothing, I came to the conclusion that no one was home, so I decided to go back to Buck's. I walked into my room and saw an off-white envelope sitting on my messy, unmade bed. I picked it up, and didn't recognise the handwriting. It didn't have a return address, so I ripped it open to see who this mysterious letter was from. By now I was too curious to throw it out, like I usually do with all my mail. I slid the letter out and unfolded it. My jaw dropped as I read the life changing letter. It said-

Don't think I'm invitin' you back here or want to see you or anything, but I need you to come get your annoying kid sister out of my hair. The little mistake doesn't learn, even after she takes a beating. Multiple, actually. So I need you to haul your butt up here and get your no good, lying, trouble makin' rat of a sister and never come back. She ran away so I don't know where she is, but I don't want her coming back here and relyin' on me and such. I expect you to come as soon as you get this, and if you don't, I will personally kill her and you.
-Your Father, John Winston

Hey guys! Omg how crazy is that? Dally has a kid sister that he never knew about! His whole life is about to change! I do not like to curse, so there will be minimal cursing and no inappropriate scenes in this book. I am just not that kind of person so I wanted to tell you right off the bat. Please remember to vote and comment! If you have an idea for the book, let me know!

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