Chapter 4

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Liv's POV
"Wh-what?" I said, clearly confused. "I don't have a brother, I'm an only child."

"Actually, your not. I really am your brother. As you may or may not know, mom died giving birth to you. I couldn't stand that she was dead, so I ran away. I ran away because dad was starting to become abusive, too.  But after mom died, I couldn't stay because every time I looked at you I would remember mom. I'm sorry, God I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you here on your own, fending for yourself in the streets of New York.  I'm sorry for not being there or protecting you from dad." He cried out.

"I, uh, don't know what to say...All these years I thought I was going to be by myself for the rest of my life, on my own, trying to survive each day. But now that might change. I might actually have a chance for once." I spoke, finishing at a whisper, looking him in the eye.  His face looked like mom, too. He had medium length brown hair that fell in whisps across his forehead and along the back of his neck.  He was tall and lean, and had a panther-like build. He looked tough. He had cold, hard, ice blue eyes, but they were softening now as we spoke.

"Listen, kid, what's your name? Dad didn't bother telling me."

"It's Olivia, but you can call me Liv. That's what everyone calls me."  I responded.

"Well, Liv, how do you feel about moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma?" He retorted, a goofy smile spreading across his face.

"That sounds like it would be cool! When do we leave?"

"How about right now?" He asked.

"Sure," I said, "Let me quickly pack up my stuff though.  It won't take long since I only have a few belongings."

"Ok, that's fine." And with that we walked over to dads house.

I zipped up my backpack full of my clothes, pictures, and makeup. I slung it over one shoulder, and we walked out to the car.  As we passed my dad, he looked angry. Probably because he wouldn't be able to beat me anymore. I flashed a smug smile as we strolled past him, and he looked like he was gonna kill the both of us. I got into the passenger seat, and Dally got in the drivers seat and sped down the road, heading straight towards Tulsa. For him, it was home, but for me, it was a new beginning.

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