Chapter 15

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I woke up and immediately remembered what happened. My eyes darted around the room, but I couldn't see anything--the room was pitch black and there were no windows. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. If I was gonna get out of here I would need to be calm. I tried to pull up hands up to my face, but they were restrained behind me.

I tried to stand up and found that my legs were bound, but not to the chair. I stood up and felt woozy. My vision blurred and I got a pounding headache. I must have a concussion. I brought my hands down to my feet and stepped over so my hands were in front of me. I chewed the rope with my teeth until I made a small tear. Then I stepped and pulled on the rope until it snapped silently and laid limp on the floor. I felt around my feet for a knot on the rope, and quickly found one.

It wasn't that tight and only took me a few minutes to untie. Finally I was free! I started to feel the walls for a door until I heard heavy, uneven footsteps coming towards me. I ran back to the chair and tried to hide the fact that I was free by putting my hands behind my back and pressing my legs together. I heard a lock undo itself and a door across the room opened. The light from the outside hallway illuminated the once dark room. I looked around and noticed it was completely empty. Then, a large figure stepped into the cement cell. They turned on a light and I saw their face. It was Bob and he still looked drunk.

Oh no, not again. He walked closer to me and stopped an inch away from my face. He smirked as I tried to look away. I concentrated on thinking of a plan on how I was going to escape. He grabbed my face with his meaty hand and turned me to face him. I looked him in the eye, trying to seem tough, and spat. He growled and wiped his face off.

"You're gonna wish you never did that, grease. I can make your life a living hell." He slurred as he wound his fist back. I tried to dodge the blow but I was too slow. He smacked his fist into my face and I heard a sickening crunch. Well, there goes my nose. He slugged me across the face until I couldn't breath anymore, and eventually I fell from consciousness into a pit of darkness. Right before I slipped away, I remembered Pony. I have to get back to him. I couldn't live without him, or the gang. I needed to escape. Fast.
Hey! Sorry it took so long to update! December is a crazy month for me (I'm sure for everyone) and I just couldn't find time to update until now. Again I'm sorry, but I don't know when I will update next...please remember to vote, comment, and share! Thanks everyone!

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