Chapter 14

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Bob looked at us. He was clearly drunk. I was terrified, but only Pony could notice.

"Stay cool, Liv." He hissed.
I nodded to him and we climbed down from our spot on the monkey bars. I leaned against the cold metal and slouched, trying to look tough. Pony did the same. Bob, Randy and their gang slowly walked over to us, almost tripping on the way.

"Let's get the girl. But don't let the boy go. Let's make sure he can't run off anywhere..." Randy hissed at them.

"Come any closer and I'll make that ape face even uglier," Pony sneered.

"Yeah yeah greaser, all bark and no bite." One of their gang members said. Pony spit at them. In two seconds flat they had us surrounded. Bob and Randy were in front of Pony and I. Pony sized them up, and then with no other option, knocked Randy in the jaw.

Randy stood dazed for a few moments and then shouted, "Get them!" The socs lunged at me, but I quickly dodged them. I turned on my heels, sprinting away as fast as I could until I realized Pony wasn't with me. I turned around, and someone grabbed my arm and tried to drag me to the mustang. I screamed when I noticed Pony was pinned on the fountain, getting drowned. Seeing him like that set a new fire in me, and I went crazy. I flung my arms and legs frantically until I was free. Then I ran over to the soc that had Pony and jumped on his back and strangled him. The soc dropped Pony and reached back to me. He grabbed my shirt and flipped me over his head. I hit the ground pretty hard, and everything went blurry. Then I was grabbed and hauled over to the mustang. Soon, darkness overtook me. The last thing I remember seeing was Pony lying on the ground by the fountain in a pool of blood, not knowing if he was dead or alive.
Hey guys! Sorry it's so short--next time I will try to make it longer. I was up until 5 in the morning so I'm pretty tired. I don't know how regular the updates will be in December because I am very busy this month. But still, I will try when I can to upload some new chapters. Please remember to vote, comment, and share! Thanks!

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