Chapter 18

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I cried myself to sleep between Pony and Soda. My two best friends. Pony came home late and found me and Soda watching Mickey Mouse and eating tubs of ice cream. He joined us and they actually made me forget about him. I love the gang, they are always there for me and I feel like I can really trust them. After three tubs of ice cream and a multitude of Mickey Mouse episodes, we agreed it was time for bed. I was happy taking the couch, but Soda and
Pony insisted I share their bed with them for tonight, so I wouldn't have nightmares. We all squeezed into the queen sized bed and fell asleep. I was still distraught over the whole Dally thing, and after Pony and Soda went to sleep, the tears came again like a waterfall being replenished after a drought. I can't believe my own brother would do that to me. Eventually I sank into a dreamless sleep, thinking about when I would face him.

    The next morning I opened my eyes only to find that I was alone in the bed. I sat up, yawned, and walked out of the room. I went into the kitchen to find Pony making eggs and bacon. Soda and Darry must have already gone to work. Pony hadn't realized I was awake yet so I crept up to him very quietly. I covered his mouth with my hands and yelled, "Boo!"

"Sweet Jesus, Liv, you gave me a heart attack!" Pony turned around wide eyed and squealed. I was laughing so hard I fell on the floor. He started laughing too and pretty soon he was on the floor with me. We kept laughing until I noticed a burning smell. Oh no! The eggs and bacon! I scrambled up and turned the stove off. They weren't that burnt, just the layer on the bottom. We split the portion into two, and enjoyed our burnt egg and bacon breakfast together. Since it was Saturday, we decided to go out for a while. Pony wanted to stop by the DX first, so we did. After chilling with Soda and Steve, we went into town to look at some of the stores. There was a new store for switchblades, and we spent most of our time in there until the owner got wise and told us to leave, but not before I swiped some cigarettes and gum. After that, we went home. We sat and watched tv until we heard some commotion coming from outside.

We got up to see what was going on, and outside were a bunch of socs walking up to the Curtis house. Pony and I looked at each other and ran to the kitchen. We came back out with the biggest knives we could find in case they tried anything funny. The socs were screaming, "Where's Dallas? We want him!"

Uh oh. What did he do this time. He deserves getting a pounding, though, after what he did to me. I don't feel bad for him.

"We don't know where he is!" We shouted.

"We're not leaving until that scumball gives us the money for new tires! He slashed them on every car in our side of town!"

"I. DON'T. KNOW. WHERE. HE. IS!" I shouted. Pony and I hid in the kitchen until they went away. It took about an hour for them all to leave. A little while later, Soda walked in and we told him what happened. His response was, "Guess who's working weekends at the DX with me and Steeveee! I'm not leavin' y'all home alone any more, but not just because of the soc issue..." He wiggled his eyebrows looking between me and his little brother. Pony and I looked at each other and screamed, "Nooooo, no no no no no no no! Soda, just no." Why does Soda always have to make things awkward? Well, no use arguing, he's practically my older brother so I have to listen to him. Great. I have to WORK on the weekends much fun! (detect the sarcasm there) whatever. At least I'll be with Soda, Steve, and Pony. I'm not ready to face Dally yet. I'm still afraid that he'll do it again. Well, I better go accept my fate and get ready for the DX tomorrow. I just can't wait to work on cars and smell gas all day long.
Heyyy guys! New chapter...not my best, but I did it kinda rushed so yeah. Please remember to vote, comment, and share! Also, happy holidays to everyone! Eat lots of food and spend time with your family!

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