Chapter 17

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Liv's POV
Great. I'm in the hospital AGAIN. I don't feel very well though so I'm actually ok with it. There are a bunch of wires in my arms giving me fluids and nutrients since I'm so malnourished and thin. I close my eyes for a few minutes until I hear people running right outside my door. They stop short and burst into my room.

"LIV!" They all scream.

"GUYS!" I scream. It was the gang. Everyone was there, including Darry. He must have taken off of work.

"We came as soon as we could. They called us when you woke up." Darry said informatively. I was so happy to see them again. Pony walked up to me and we hugged.

He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "I love you, Liv. You don't realize how much you mean to me. Without you, my life would never be the same, and I don't want to ever live like that." I smiled and we kissed.

A few days later, they discharged me from the hospital. I went home with Dally and realized that Christmas was next week. Oh no, I don't have presents for anyone! I have to go shopping today! Luckily it was still morning, so I crawled under my bed and lifted a loose floorboard. I got my wallet and took out 50 bucks. I have a lot of money in my wallet, so I hid it incase anyone broke in and stole my stuff.

"Dally, I'm going out for a while!" I yelled.

"Not on my watch, sis! You just got out of the hospital, you're not going nowhere!" He yelled back. His voice was muffled, so I figured he was in his room. I walked over and opened up the door.

"Yes I am." I said sassily and ran downstairs and out the bar door. I could hear him muttering and running after me. I took off towards the DX. Most of the stores were over there.

"OLIVIA WINSTON! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE NOW!" He screamed. Luckily I had a head start and was able to outrun him. He really needs to work on his cardio. I kept running (I was on track, so I could run a few miles straight) until I saw Soda and Steve. Soda was under a car and Steve was pumping gas for someone.

"Hey Soda! Steve!" I greeted.

"Hey Liv! Aren't you not supposed to leave the house for a while?" Soda asked innocently.

"Yeah, but whatever. I forgot that Christmas is next week and I need to do some shopping. Do me a favor, Soda, and if Dally comes down here lookin' for me, tell him you haven't seen me."

"Ok. I won't tell him." Soda said with a wink. I said goodbye and walked over to the stores.

After a few hours of shopping, I came out and sat on a bench to review what I got for everyone.  For Steve, I got some wrench he's always complaining about not having and some other tools. For Johnny, I got him a new jean jacket and some chocolate bars. For Darry, I got him metal-toed shoes for when he roofs (he always drops roofing on his feet). For Two-Bit, I got a Micky mouse t-shirt and a wallet with a chain because he's always complaining about his wallet getting stolen. For Dally, I got a new leather jacket and a new wallet. For Pony, I got him four books and a flannel shirt. I also got him a switchblade that had "Stay Gold" inscribed on it. Last but not least is Soda. I have something special for him. He is my best friend out of the gang (other than Pony) and I wanted to get him something special. Word came around that there's a horse that keeps throwing people off and no one can ride it. Once I heard that, I had to check it out. Soda had a horse a long time ago, but the horse was sold right out from under him and he was devastated. He never got over hat loss. He and that horse had something special. Anyway, I went to go look at this horse, and sure enough it was Mickey Mouse, Soda's old horse. I found out that he was being sold for dirt cheap, and I got Buck to buy him. I'm paying him back over the course of a year. We have Mickey Mouse in the closest stables we could find. It's only a five minute walk from the DX. I'm so excited to give everyone their presents! Now all I have to do is wait for tomorrow.

I walked home from the stores and it was already dark. It was a miracle that I didn't get jumped. I went into my room, only to find Dally on the phone. As soon as Dally saw me, he slammed the phone down and gave me the coldest stare ever to leave his eyes. I looked at him with no emotion in my own eyes and said, "What? I didn't do nothin'. Stop givin' me that look."

"Nothin'? You didn't do nothin'? You didn't listen to me and went out even when I told you not to! On top of that, you didn't come home for hours! I can't believe you, Olivia!" He yelled, anger dripping from his voice.

"You don't own me, Dallas! You can't control me! I'm gonna do whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want! It's not your life!" I countered.

"Liv, don't push your luck. I didn't need to rescue you from Dad. I don't need to feed you, give you a roof to live under! If you talk back to me one more time, so help me I will..."

I cut him off,  screaming,  "You'll what? Huh? Your not so tough! You won't do anything to me! " He took one long stride towards me and wound his hand back. I tried to jump away, but I was too late. His hand came down and slapped me across the face so hard that I flew backward. I fell, and looked up at him, terrified. His eyes were blazing with anger and his expression was hard and scary. He took another step to hit me again, but I crawled back up against the wall. He saw how terrified I was and his expression softened. He took a step forward, and I pressed my body against the wall, tears in my eyes.

"Liv... I didn't mean to." He whispered.

"Well, you did it anyway." I said quietly but coldly. I didn't mean for it to come out so harshly. I saw pain in his eyes. He tried to touch me, but I screamed in fear.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I backed up like a scared animal. I backed up towards the door, and once I had my hand on the handle, I opened it and ran as fast as I could out the bar. I was terrified, I never thought he would actually hit me. I could hear him running after me, but that just made me go faster. I ran and ran until I lost him, and by then it was raining. I retreated to the Curtis house once I knew he was gone. I walked up the front steps and opened the door. Pony must have been in the lot with Johnny because he was nowhere to be found. Soda was watching tv and Darry was cooking dinner in the kitchen. They both turned to me and Soda ran over. As soon as I was in his arms, the tears came like a flood.

"Shhhh, it's ok." Soda comforted me, and I just hugged him tighter. I cried and cried until I didn't have anymore tears left. I can't believe my own brother actually hit me. This changes everything.
Hey Guys! This is such a long chapter! It took me forever to write :) a lot of drama happening...anyway, please remember to share, vote, and comment! Thanks!

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