10.13 Demon Blood

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Demon Blood

A week had past, since I noticed the change. I am becoming more and more different than I was supposed to be. I'm only myself around Ellie, that's why I always try stay by her side as much as possible. I don't know how but she puts my personality back where it belongs. The changes has its advantage and disadvantages. The advantage is that no one want's to mess with us anymore but the downside  is that It's getting harder for me to touch Ellie nowadays because every time I touch her my hand burns in the inside but I can't resist not to touch her, it's like breathing. The worst part is my marks are starting to burn when I'm battling demons like in my dreams but the only one missing is the Tenshi mark.

I have been battling demons for a week now. Every time I go out to take a walk because of the stupid dreams about Sammael, I encounter one. For instance, Monday it was an Eidolon who tried to eat me, Wednesday was an Imp who was eating garbage out of a dumpster, Thursday and Saturday was a Ravener and yesterday was an Eidolon again. It's getting hard to fight them without me getting the enough sleep . I don't know how much my body can take but I'm still alive so I'll keep doing it but today is not one of those days. Today is the day that I'll spend all my time with my girlfriend Ellie because for some reason there are no classes today and tomorrow.

"John, a pretty girl is here to see you!" My mom shouted from the kitchen

I quickly put on my pants and went downstairs even though I haven't slept because of Sammael's "Do you want to know who you are?" deal every time I close my eyes. The light burned my eyes like I was  a vampire that will vanish if I'm touched by it in the slightest way.

"Good Morning!" I said waving at her

"Good Morning, got any sleep?" She asked smiling at me

"Nope, I haven't got any" I feel like my eyes bags are big as a duffle bag now.

"Mom, this is Ellie my girlfriend" I introduced her

"So this is the Ellie your dad was talking about" She said smiling

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Chase" Ellie said smiling

"Please call me Ra" Mom said smiling then shaking her hands.

 Ask her if she wants to have breakfast with us John"

 Want some breakfast? My mom made eggs" I said making a face that she wouldn't refuse

"Yeah sure, thank you Ra" Ellie answered

We sat at the table while mom puts the  eggs and bacon on a big plate. My mom makes the best eggs in Seabrook not even 'kitchen' can beat, I know because I tried them both.

"Want some tea?" I asked

"Do you have some?" She asked looking around for tea

I stood up and made the best tea I could muster in my entire life. I don't usually make people tea, I only drink it myself. I'm glad my dad is still asleep because he would make fun of me if he finds out that I'm making tea for someone.

"It's normal people's tea, you might not like it" I said joking

I put the tea down on the table next to Ellie. She was eating my mom's eggs.

She took a sip.

"Its great" She smiled

 Better than kitchen's?

 Unexpectedly, Yes!

"Mom I didn't tell you. Ellie is a Caster"

"Have you told her that you're a Hunter?" She asked as if she isn't shocked at all

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