2.14 Remembering Today

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Remembering Today

   ‘I’m so sorry John’ those were the words I kept hearing these past few weeks. Not to mention the kiss that I remember doing but can’t remember who I kissed or when I did it. It’s already 12:30 PM but this time is the best to have a boat ride.

I walked towards the shed to get my supplies.

I remembered what Sam said.

“A note should be right… here” I said looking at my boat.

I found it.

It said ‘To John from L’.


I better call Sam.

I dialed his number but it went to voice mail.

“Sam, I thought this was for you. Why is it entitled to me?” I paused “I’ll read it anyways. I’ll call you after” I hanged up

It’s time for a boat ride.


   As I paddle towards the middle of the lake eating the brownies that I brought, a distant memory came past me. I remembered that I was here with a few months ago. I found myself holding the note looking at one letter ‘L’.

I opened it and it revealed a letter.

Dear John,

   If you are reading this, it means that you fulfilled our promise together and come again to this Lake to think. Also if you are reading this, I have altered your memory and possibly erased myself from them. For that, I am very sorry. I myself can’t live without you but I won’t allow you to die for me or for anyone. I am well aware that after you read this letter your memories will come back and try to help me but it will be already too late because I may be or no longer be the girl you once loved. Don’t feel bad for me or blame yourself because of this, I already accepted the fact that there’s no hope in hoping in something that has been written, done and destined to happen long ago. I’d also like you to promise me something. Promise me that if we see each other and I am no longer the girl you loved, please understand what I have become and accept me. One more thing, promise that you’ll live the life that I did not and have the family that we both wished to have.

I will always love you,


After I read the letter, my mind suddenly remembered everything that I did not a few minutes ago. The girl that I was with here on the lake a few months ago, it was Ellie. The girl I kissed before she wiped my memories, it was also Ellie. It’s been her this whole time, she’s the thing that has been missing all this time, the part of me that was lose, the girl that changed me and made me who I am now. It was Ellie.

I paddled back to the pier or whatever it’s called and tied my boat there.

I picked up my phone and called

“SAM! I REMEMBER!” I shouted after someone picked up

“I’ll be right there” He said

Not a moment passed he arrived there, wearing nothing but a black shirt, shorts and slippers.

“Take me to her” I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

Then everything went blurry.

It was 2:30 PM, February 14 and it was the day my life resumed from where it was lost

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