12.13 Winter Dance

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Winter Dance

   The Winter Dance is here and I’m not that ready. I am physically ready but I’m not mentally ready, I usually overthink things and end up screwing them up. I think Ellie is more nervous than me but I think she can hide it more because she’s not kelting weird stuff like me.

Tux, good bad good

John relax, I think you look fine

How do you know?

I can see you

I looked around and I saw an apparition.


Yeah, it’s me

I came closer to her, she wore a gray dress that matched her in every way, the black part swirled around it and it looked more perfect than most of her dress. Her faint green eyes glinted even in an apparition.

Is that what you’re wearing?

Nope, this is just one of the choices

Well that looks good enough

I heard someone walk outside my door

“John, you ready yet?” Mhyka said knocking

“Come in and see for yourself.” I said to her fixing my tux as its black cloth laced down firm and fixed.

She came inside my room

“You look” She paused “Awesome”

I looked at her as she stand there wearing her White strapless long dress and her two white entoni bracelet. Her hair was tied into a coiffure chignon, I know because she won't shut up about it last week. I can’t believe my sister would look this organize, neat, beautiful and amazing at the same time

“How do I look?” She asked fixing her dress

“You look perfect” I said giving a thumbs up

“Mom sent me to give this to you” She said handing me something inside a box.

The thing that she gave me was a corsage, its flower was green with swirls of black and gold glitters and it will look perfect on Ellie’s wrist.

“Thanks” I said

L you ready                                                                                                                        

Yeah, I picked something

I’ll be there in a few

See you then

I walked down the stairs with the corsage on my hand and there I saw a man, his facial expression brightened when he saw me. It was my Dad

“Wow, you really look good for a guy who going to his first normal dance” He said

“Thanks Dad” I said

“Do you still remember the dance I taught you?” He asked

The dance he is talking about was the waltz. Hunters dance it on Allagi in a ball where you get to pick a date and dance. Allagi is the city where Hunters like us live when we retire, it is where the kingdoms of Pax and Scito stood before the wars happened but now it is the home to Hunters like me. We only get to come there a few times and on those few times is the ball where I danced with my mom a few years back.

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