Epilogue 4.16

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   It’s been two months since John was revived and was held in a coma. His parents came to the manor every now and then to visit him. They never blamed any of us for this but I knew that I was the one who caused this. Leian and the others also visit sometimes to check if “He’s living the dream” like Leian said. I know that he’ll wake up someday but I’m starting to get the feeling that he’s taking his time.

John hurry, I need to see you

“Ellie, your homework” Mrs. Gen said


“Where’s John?” She asked

I may have casted a Mind altering cast on the people at school to prevent John from failing but of course the other Hunters know that he really is in a coma.

“He’s sick today but he asked me to give you this” I said giving a forged homework


   Lunch is no fun these past two months, not having John around makes the mind altered John better than nothing. Sam is still adjusting to his dad living at the manor and was eating lunch that both his parents made. Mhyka always visits John and talks to him whenever she has time but I get the feeling that it’s getting hard for her too. I know how she feels, especially since my dad vanished on my birthday. I didn’t cry for him because I was too busy taking care of John but I sometimes talk to him at night before I go to sleep like he is still here with all of us. He didn’t have a funeral since he died years ago and we didn’t have anything to bury. I didn’t blame my relatives for not telling me because they also didn’t know and were casted with mind altering cast when he died.


I turned around searching for John. I saw Sam smiling at me.

“Don’t do that!” I said to him

“I was just trying to cheer you up” He said

I opened a portal then made it suck his food into nothingness.

“Hey, my mom and dad made that!”

“Here have it back” I said putting a portal up on his head making the food splatter all over him.

By the way, I know how to do that now. A Dimensioner is a caster who can open holes in space-in short black holes or something like that.


Uncle Blake?

Come home now, something happened to John!


   I didn’t have time to cast teleportation so I had Sam rip me to the house gate. I told him to go back to school because Era would be mad if I let him skip school. I ran up towards the stairs and tried to open the moon and stars carved front door but it’s locked.

I knocked.

After a minute of waiting, someone opened it.

It was a face that I have never expected to open the door. His long black hair was messy, his brown eyes glinted and he smiled at me, it was the person that I waited for these past two months, the guy who made everything in my life possible, the guy who never stopped loving me, the guy who I would die for.

It was John.

“John!” I cried

I ran up to him and hugged him and we fell onto the floor. I cried on his chest. When I looked up to him I found myself looking at his smile.

I’m back

It was the moment that I would never trade for anything. He was there with me and I was there with him.

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