2.15 Hope

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   Mhyka and Sam arrived after John was stabbed. I was held there helpless and couldn’t do anything to help John. I was left with the choice that I had to make for all of us.

“I have the Book of Night” Mhyka said

The place where we all stood felt different. I saw everything stop, even my mother stood there still smiling where she stabbed John.

“Sam we don’t have much time, help Ellie” Mhyka said to him

Sam ripped beside my mother, touched her shoulder and ripped away. The second they left, I regained control of myself.

I quickly run towards where John was, he was smiling as he look towards where I was a few seconds ago. His chest was pierced and the blood gushed throughout his clothes. I love you Elizabeth Fraywood and sorry for not keeping my promise- those words keep going back to me.

I started to cry because seeing him die was too much for me. I am alone to make the decision now. I looked at his phone, it was 12:00. It’s time, my real birthday has come. I never told him that my birthday was today because I didn’t think that we would last until now. I underestimated his love for me.

“Ellie, we need to revive him!” Mhyka said shaking me out of my sadness

“But we don’t have the cast” I whimpered

“I have it here!” She said putting the book in front of me “All I need is you”

I felt a hand touch my shoulder. As I look up, I found myself looking at my Dad whose eyes were still bleeding. He was accompanied by Sam who just came back.

“Revive him Elizabeth, before I vanish” He paused “Please, it’s my last wish”

“What?” I was shocked to hear him say those words “Why?”

“Your father died a long time ago, I am just his avatar, an illusion who came to be as him” He smiled “My mission was to make sure that someone will take care of you before my time as your father runs out”

“No, not you too” I said to myself

“Please” He begged

I nodded even if it hurts

He put his hand on my shoulder again

I opened the book and found the cast that I was supposed to do but it requires a claimed caster. I was confused and didn’t have the right mind to choose but I remembered what John said “Choose Yourself”. I noticed that my necklace was glowing; it never glows when I’m not at least touching John. I remembered John’s promise.

John I know your there somewhere, I know what to choose


I was hit by a light of the moon, my body was burning and I can’t move. I felt the light inside me mixed with the darkness and my caster existence being pulled and changed. When I regained myself, I was no longer Elizabeth Fraywood a Natural. I was something different.

“Your eyes!” Mhyka said pointing at them

“What about it?” I asked

“It’s Violet” Sam said

“You’re a... Dimensioner” My Dad said

“Let’s do this” I said opening the book and getting ready

“Et sanguis meus est, tuus est sanguis

 Mea vita, vita vestra:

 Ad manus meas ad medium

 Ut pars tua meis,” I casted in Latin

I felt the sky open above us. The clouds swirled, opening hole around us.

“My blood is your blood

 My life is your life

 To give my half to your hand

 To give your half to mine” I repeated now in English

A surge of power came from the sky and lifted John. A light came and entered him before finally setting him down.

“John” I called

He didn’t respond


He still didn’t respond

I checked his pulse, it was normal and he was breathing.

“Why isn’t he waking up?” I asked them even though I know that they also don’t know the answer

“The book took John’s consciousness” Dad paused “Possibly also his memories”

“It could also be a coma” Sam said

“What do you mean?” I asked “Do you guys know something?”

“No, we don’t but we know that the book will take anything possible” Dad said


   We took John and Blake to the Manor but my dad said goodbye to me. He vanished so quick that I couldn’t have hugged him one last time. John was put into a guest room where he was guarded by me and my family. Since midnight I didn’t sleep because there’s a possibility that he’ll wake up, I was just there sitting beside his bed holding his hand.

Sam approached me.

“I’m grateful to him you know?” He started “I just wish that I could repay him in everything that he did for me”

“You don’t have to” I paused “I think taking care of his sister is enough for him”

He gave a weak smile then ripped away

John today’s my birthday, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I promise to tell you everything from now on… so please wake up. Please wake up for me someday.

I felt his hand twitch.

I don’t know if it’s a sign but it made me smile.

I’ll wait for you

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