2.14 Protecting Everything

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Protecting Everything

“Sam!” I shouted while I ran towards him after he landed a few feet away from me

   Blake just stood there waiting for an attack. When I got to Sam, he was pale enough to be dead but I noticed that he still has his pulse. I brought Sam’s unconscious body to the side. I pulled out two tubes from my pocket, one was white and one was black. I clicked the white one and shouted “Gabriel”. As two blades sprung up from the tubes, I felt the surge of my demonic energy through my right hand because of the amulet that I’m wearing.

Blake ripped behind me but I knew he would do that so I ducked and kicked his chest. He fell back a few feet away. I turned and sprinted towards him. I slashed my sword to the right followed by my other sword to enhance the effect but he just ripped to dodge. After ripping a few feet away from me, I noticed that I had cut his hand and it was bleeding. It wasn’t cut off but it was bleeding, bad. He must’ve ripped after I hit him.

“Blake, snap out of it!” I tried


Blake started rampaging. I think he’s trying to gain back the control of his body.

    I retracted both my sword and decided to use hand to hand combat for Sam’s sake. He ripped behind me, slashed my back but I managed to catch him and throw him to the ground. I punched his face rapidly that he can’t even rip away. I finally stopped when I noticed that he can't fight anymore. His face was bleeding but that’s better than killing my friend’s father.

“Thank you” Blake murmured smiling

I looked at Ellie’s expression. She was confused.

L, don’t think about anything

John, are you okay?

Yeah, I’m right here

John I’m confused, what should I do?

Remember what I told you

Choose myself? But that’s not easy, what if I kill half my family?

I didn’t have the time to answer because Veronica’s lightning started blasting me before I could even blink.

“Mom, don’t hurt him!” Ellie shouted as her voice starts to crack

Clouds started forming but Veronica cancelled it and made it her own

Veronica was still focused on Adam who was now losing, his eyes were now bleeding and his black flames were gone. I don’t know why it’s bleeding but I’m guessing he’s using the limit of his powers.

“Veronica!” I shouted

She turned towards me with a smirk on her face.

“Well, well” She paused “look who got rid of my hold”

I saw Adam collapsed. Ellie ran towards him, trying to heal him.

Veronica started blasting Lightning at me but I managed to summon my swords and deflect the blast sending them back to her. I know she has the upper hand because she’s a Caster and I’m just a Hunter but I can’t stop now. Veronica eventually goes down to the ground.

L, take Sam, Blake and Adam to safety

No, I won’t leave you

Just do it L

Ellie started to cast

“What are you doing John?” Veronica asked “Do you not see that there’s no possible future where you and my daughter can be together?”

Veronica started to hold Ellie using telekinesis.

I lunged at her. Before I could slash her, she shifted her hand into a sword. I slashed but she parried.

“Are you wondering why I’m this powerful?” She asked “It’s because I’m an Absorber”

“What?” I said still swinging my sword at her.

Absorber? Absorber- Dark empaths, they do not borrow powers but they collect them and use them as their own. In Veronica’s case I think she already used the power of a Natural, Shifter and Siren.

She lunged at me this time; she slashed me rapidly using her sword arm. I got hit by the shoulder but the adrenaline kicked in. I tried to slash her arm but it turned into metal once I hit it. I pushed away before she even had the chance to attack me but she used telekinesis to pull me back. She slashed my arm, kicked me to the ground and pointed her sword towards my chest.

Once I hit the ground all my injuries started hurting. My arm wasn’t cut of but I can’t move it. I was vulnerable.

“AH!” I screamed in pain

“I didn’t really plan on killing you but Ellie needs to choose” She said looking at Ellie

L, choose yourself don’t worry about me

Ellie was crying, she was confused, broken and desperate. I knew what she was going through and I knew that she’ll do what Veronica tells her if I don’t stop her.



No John!

Do it!

What if I can’t

You have to…for the sake of everyone and everything we love

I noticed Sam rip away and the force field broke but it’s too late. Veronica was standing there making Ellie choose her side and kill half of her family.


I noticed a familiar voice


Mhyka’s with Sam, she’s going there to save you

Veronica noticed the kelting connection and cut it using her power.

“Too late now, Ra” Veronica said smiling

Veronica stabbed her sword arm at my chest. I think she wasn’t able to hit my heart but she definitely hit my lungs.

“AKHA!” I screamed spewing blood from my mouth

“Don’t you know that I’ve been listening to what you guys have been kelting all this time?” She paused “You mundanes are so foolish to believe in anything like love…that it would be okay if you just believe” She laughed. It was an evil laugh that could make you wet yourself when you hear it…Lucky for me I’m just dying.

   They say that when you are about to die time slows down and you see things that are important to you. Some also say that you’ll be able to watch your whole life. To me time really slowed down, I saw Ellie who was crying and was struggling get out of Veronica’s hold, I saw Mhyka and Sam rip to where Ellie was but it was too late for me, at least they can save her.

L, choose yourself

I tried to kelt

“John!” She shouted even though she was already weak













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