2.14 Too late

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Too late

   As I stood there watching everything unfold and unable to move, John and Uncle Blake was fighting and so were my parents. My mom is convincing me to go dark but I know that if I choose dark the light side of my family would die and I don’t want that to happen to either of the sides. My dad was no help at all, he keeps saying “Choose you” but what if I am dark or light. The only option is to just not choose and remain unclaimed even though I don’t know what will happen.

“What’s it gonna be Ellie?” My mom asked still blasting dad with lightning and continuing to hold me.

“I don’t know” I said to myself

I know that what my mom wants is evil and it’s clear that she’s not the right one in this but I don’t know what to do.

Dad was fighting mom and trapped her inside a sphere of black flames. His eyes are now bleeding because of using too much power. I noticed that he’s becoming weak by the second. Mom was just laughing at him.

L, don’t think about anything

I found myself looking for John. When I saw him, he was beat up and his clothes were damaged.

John, are you okay?

Yeah, I’m right here

John I’m confused, what should I do?

Remember what I told you

Choose myself? But that’s not easy, what if I kill half my family?

Mom broke through the black flames sending blasts of energy everywhere

“Mom don’t hurt him” I shouted

I mustered all my strength to cast and try to defeat my mother. Clouds started forming but the second she saw them she cancelled my cast and made the clouds her own.

My mom started blasting my dad again, this time he can’t really block it. Because of that, he’s starting to lose the fight.

“Veronica!” John shouted

Mom turned at him leaving dad alone.

My Dad collapsed and I was freed from hold for a minute. I rushed towards him and tried to treat his wounds. His eyes were now red and won’t stop bleeding, he has cuts and burns from the blasts and he was weak.

“Elizabeth don’t” Dad said weakly

“I have to…don’t argue with me, dad” I said casting a healing spell on him

I healed mostly all of his burns and cuts but I can’t do anything to his eyes.

I felt John’s mind fell into mine.

L, take Sam, Blake and Adam to safety

No, I won’t leave you

Just do it L

It was hard to do it but it was our only chance. I started to cast again but this time it’s a teleportation cast.

Halfway the teleportation cast I was put into a hold again. I felt my body buckle into one place and it was a place away from my dying father.


   As I stood there watching John fight my mom, I felt useless to not be able to do anything. I tried to kelt with Sam. He was lying there but I knew he wasn’t really injured as he looked because he can regenerate…fast.


He didn’t respond



He was half asleep



Help John

After Sam got up, I found myself unable to picture what was happening to John. He was on the ground, he was covered in blood and my mother was pointing a sword at him. I tried to kelt with him but no words came to me. I was shocked and I couldn’t put myself back.

L, choose yourself don’t worry about me

Don’t worry? You are there on the verge of death and you expect me to just do what you say. Tears came with the feeling of despair.


I didn’t want him to die. He promised not to die but why is he lying there accepting the fate he has?


No John!

Do it!

What if I can’t

You have to…for the sake of everyone and everything we love

I saw Sam move but he wasn’t going to help John. He ripped away.


I saw my mom speak a few words to John but I couldn’t hear her. And then suddenly, she stabbed him at the chest.

“JOHN!” I shouted, tears flowing all over my face.

I… love… you… Elizabeth Fraywood …and sorry… for not keeping… my promise-was the last words he kelted to me.

I saw Sam and Mhyka rip in front of me before I could break down. They were late…too late.

“Ellie, I have the Book of Night” Mhyka said

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