2.14 A Ritual Gone Wrong

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A Ritual Gone Wrong

   As Ellie and I walked towards the stairs holding hands, my mind suddenly thought of the dream where I saw an angel. He said that the answer was already here but what did he meant by that? Ellie and I stayed in her room for about three hours but to me it was not enough to make up for the time I didn’t see her as L and as the girl that I love to death.

“Are you nervous?” I asked her still holding her hand

“Yeah, stay with me” She said gripping harder

The Fraywood manor changed again, this time everything in the room was blank. There were no sofas and couch, not even a table. It was just plain white after the stairs.

Our clothes were replaced with white robes but Ellie’s was green.

What happened?

Don’t worry their just ceremonial robes, were still wearing our clothes underneath

Ellie and I were separated and she was now in the middle of her family. They were holding hands and saying things in Latin that I don’t really understand. I was left out of the circle waiting for the ritual to be over.

   It was 6:30 when the atmosphere changed, a dark lightning struck in the middle of the circle making black smoke scatter around the room. I noticed that someone ripped beside me. It was not Sam, his face was older. It was Blake. I quickly clicked my sword but he just ripped away. After the smoke cleared a woman dressed in black appeared, it was Veronica. Blake was now beside her and also Ellie.

“Happy Birthday my daughter” She said smiling at her “And hello, my soon to be Son in Law. I’d like to say I like Dan more than you but you already know that”

She waved her hand and put a force field around us making everyone except, me and Ellie be pushed outside. She also put a hold on me making me unable to move while she stood there looking at Ellie. Adam and the others kept banging around the force field trying to break it, they even used cast to undo it but nothing worked. I stood there frozen and unable to do anything because of the hold. I noticed that Blake looked sad and hopeless even though they were winning.

“Let’s talk my daughter” She started “I would like you to choose dark no matter what” She smiled. The evil smile in her face made my stomach churn.

“What if I refuse” Ellie said making her stance

“I’ll kill him” Veronica said looking at me

“You can’t do that”

“You bet I can”

Veronica’s shadow spread and flew from the ground and was now pointed at me. I can see that it’s sharp enough to pierce through me like knives and swords.

“Don’t listen to her L” I shouted “Do what you must”

I heard a rip behind me and saw Sam and Adam now standing in front of me. The shadow disappeared right after Adam looked at it.

“Sam take John and get him to safety, this is a family business” Adam said taking his stance

“I can’t” Sam said “I need to talk to my father… besides John’s family right?”

“Then at least protect him as much as you can” Adam said

Adam walked towards Veronica and Ellie while Sam ripped to his father. Adam started having these black flames surround him while walking. With my enhanced hearing I heard all of them talking.

“Leave the others out of this; it’s between you and me Veronica.” Adam paused “Let’s go outside”

As Adam said, the room shifted and we were now outside. Luke and the others were nowhere to be seen anymore but Sam, Blake, Veronica, Adam, Ellie and I were still inside the force field.

“Dad let’s go back, we can start a new life” Sam said trying to convince his Dad

“I can’t…” Blake said bluntly “I don’t want to hurt you son, so please go back to the Manor and leave Ellie and John here” He sounded concern

“Blake, kill your son” Veronica said

The moment she said that, Blake became vicious and started attacking Sam. I noticed that his red eyes turned white. Is she controlling him?

“Dad, it’s me Sam!” Sam said dodging his dad’s attack

Ellie was behind Adam who was talking to Veronica.


“Not until Ellie chooses dark” She said smiling

Ellie was confused. She was angry but she can’t do anything. Adam’s hand started to glow blue and red.

“Elizabeth, get back!” He shouted and started attacking Veronica

Adam punched Veronica but she just dodged and teleported behind him. Veronica flew and started to call her own clouds. The dark clouds had lightning and Veronica used it to attack Adam. Adam’s eyes started to flicker and he was able to dodge everything that was going to attack him.

Sam was still dodging every attack of his father. He is still trying to make him snap out of Veronica’s control.

“Dad!” Sam said blocking his attack

“Sam, defeat your father and take him to the manor” I shouted “that’s the only way to stop him”

Sam looked hesitant but he started to attack his father. Sam punched him in the face then ripped behind him to push him down. Sam ripped again this time kicking his father’s leg but after that I couldn’t see anything because they ripped so fast all over the place. The next thing that I saw was Sam flying towards me; his coat was ripped to shreds and his glasses broken. He was becoming pale but he was alive. I noticed a bite mark on his neck. Did he feed on his own son?

Right after seeing him, the hold the bound me to the place where I stood was lost. Maybe it’s because Veronica is now focusing on attacking Adam who was now flying together with her. It was my turn to protect Sam.

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