12.6 The Return

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The Return

   When I got back to the house, I was welcomed by unexpected events. Mhyka was sitting on the couch watching TV, she was dressed in black and marks have been burned on her skin. I didn’t know what to assume but I was tired enough not to bother. Sam was sitting next to her terrified of what happened or what he had done. That’s when Mhyka saw me.

“John, how long have you been hiding things from me?” She asked

“What things” I looked at Sam, he mouthed “Sorry” without making a sound

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I lied

“Well, the mind block broke and I want answers” She said

“Let mom and dad tell you, I’m too tired to explain” I said

She threw a punch but I blocked it partially going to my face.

“What was that for?” I asked

“For lying and keeping the truth from me” She said

“You know what; I’m tired, I need sleep. Wait for mom she’ll tell you what you want to know” I explained to her

   Light from the sky opened from the darkness that surrounded me. I was so glad that I don’t feel the pain anymore. A guy who was barely wearing anything came down, he had wings white ones, he was handsome and has a halo on top of his head.  He was an angel

The dark smoke that formed Sammael never came.

“Well, if it isn’t one of my descendants” He said

“Who are you?” I asked

“I am Raziel, the archangel who gave John the three instruments” He answered

“What did you come here for?” I asked

“God heard you pray about your unbalance blood” He started “He sent me to tell you that the answer has been sent”

“What answer?” I asked him

“The answer is already there, you just have to see. It was always there” He said

I woke up, it was 11:30

   I heard voices from downstairs. I stepped down one at a time and heard it clearer, it was Mhyka and Mom. I remained hidden from sight because I don’t want to explain all of this instead of mom.

“Mom, why didn’t you guys tell me?” Mhyka asked

“We wanted you to have a normal life because your whole life you have been training to protect us like your brother” Mom explained

“Can you at least tell me my abilities because I remember having one or two” Mhyka said. She looked like she already knows them, I could tell from her face.

“Well, the extra angelic blood in you gave you the ability to move things without touching them and make new marks” Mom explained

“Mom, I actually remember stopping time and moving things before playing them” Mhyka said

“That I didn’t know, why didn’t you tell me that?” Mom said

“It was like my big joke to all you guys” Mhyka explained

“Well since your mind has been unblocked, I have to give these back to you” Mom said giving Mhyka Entoni guns, a dagger and her stele.

I stepped out from the hidden corner.

“Why does Mhyka have guns and I don’t” I said sarcastically joking

“You are given the family sword and besides she was given the very first guns in the history of hunting because she was believed to have the ability to move objects without touching them making her the best shooter at a young age” Mom explained

“That makes sense” I said

“Not only that, she’s the only legal hunter to be able to use a gun” Mom said proudly

“Well, she still needs training.” I said “Mhyka go sleep, We’ll start training you first thing in the morning” I said

“Where are we training and who’s we?” Mhyka asked

“The institute, underneath our school; we’ll be training with Ronnica, Xian and Leian” I explained

“Ronnica and Xian, our cousins?” She asked

“Yes, and they have been training there ever since Uncle Landon became the Cinereo Libri's keeper.” I said

“That’ll be so much fun!” Mhyka said excitedly

“For us” I said

She gulped, the excitement in her quickly dropped

“By the way, how do you use these?” I asked picking up the two guns

“You must channel your angelic energy and it will fire, most hunter that tested it didn’t got pick because they got afraid of using their angelic energy and got tired faster than their enemy. Mhyka was given this because she never missed a shot ” Mom said

“Well she cheated” I said

“Did not, I just use my hunting skills” Mhyka said making poses

“Let me try sometime, I bet my hunting skills are far superior than yours” I said

“Fine!” She said

“Fine!” I said

“Break it up, both of you go to sleep. Training will commence tomorrow” Mom said finishing her cup of tea

“G’night mom!” Mhyka said

“Good night Mom!” I said

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