Chapter 1

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- Brooke's POV -

"Brooke..." Carisma called out my name as she shook me awake weakly. The sun peered in through the window, illuminating the white room and casting colorful shadows.

"What?" I said in tired aggravation as I shifted in my place, in favor of my right side. It's strange, I'm usually the one who's up first and I'm usually the one annoying her to wake up. I thought to myself, my eyes still closed in the hopes she'd leave me be.

"Wake up." Carisma stated orotundly as she nudged me some more, adding more force with each nudge.

Shifting in my spot slightly, I mumbled incoherently through the flat pillow. "Why?" I retorted, sitting up in Carisma's messy bed. The corner of the ashen gray bed sheet had popped off, leaving a quarter of the mattress exposed. The large t-shirt I was wearing swallowed my small, yet curvy frame as the strawberry red blanket laid beside us, barely slipping off the bed in knots after be tossed and tugged all night.

"Well, you're up." Carisma smirked cheekily at me, I glared back in response, if looks could kill I'd be a mass murderer. I stretched and yawned tiredly as I panned my blurry vision back over at Carisma, who was a good amount taller than me, despite me being the oldest one of our friends, she was the tallest by a long shot.

"Why did you wake me up anyway?" I asked flatly as I rubbed my right eye, looking back to the caramel skinned girl. Carisma pushed some of her mid back lengthen, curly, black hair out of her face and panned her vision over to me.

"Don't you remember what tonight is?" Carisma asked as she stared blankly at me with her brown, almost black, doe eyes.

"No. Should I?" I deadpanned as I gave the tall girl a concocted look of confusion and annoyance for disturbing my slumber.

"Yes! You should've remembered! Tonight is the Kenny Wood Halloween event!" Carisma raised her voice and jumped up to grab my small shoulders. "Didn't you want to go?!" Carisma pulled me super close to her face with wide eyes, allowing me to see every pore and groove she wore upon her face.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Not really. I'd rather just stay here. You know I don't like big crowds." I uttered flatly as I stared back at my best friend monotonely.

"WHAT?!" Carisma squealed into my face and I glared again. I've never been someone who took being yelled at lightly. I hate when people raise their voice at me. It's honestly just annoying.
Pushing aside my urge to yell back louder, I spoke up. "We can just go tomorrow 'ya know. I'm sure it's not going anywhere." I stated, Carisma still inches from my face.

"Fine." Carisma stated as she released her strong grip on my shoulders and fell onto her back with a long sigh, her curly hair laid out like a halo on the mattress underneath her.
All was quiet for a few moments before both Carisma and I's phones buzzed in unison. I grabbed my phone, punched in my short pin, and looked to the notifications. I was put into a group chat with Carisma, Alisha, and Yvanna. Groaning, I opened the group chat.
Alisha: Hi!
Yvanna: Good morning friends lol
Me: Hey...
Carisma: SUP!
Alisha: What's wrong Brooke?
Me: I just woke up dumbass...
Yvanna: Oh... HEY, can we come over Carisma?
Carisma: Sure I guess, my parents are at work though.
Alisha: Even better.
Yvanna: We'll be over in a few.
And with that, I closed the group chat. Carisma and I rolled out of bed and made our way to the kitchen. As I searched the fridge for food, there was a loud knock at the door that almost sounded like banging. Carisma got up from the kitchen table and walked over to the front door, before she could even open the door Alisha came flying in followed by Yvanna.
Alisha ran into the living room and jumped onto the gray couch. Alisha is usually pretty loud and hyper, on the rare occasion she's quiet. I'm just quiet in general. Not paying any mind to the two, I continued to rummage through the fridge and a few moments later I found leftover steak from last night's dinner. Smiling to myself, I grabbed the plastic container and started to eat the delicious meat cold. I walked into the living room where Alisha and Yvanna were and sat down on the couch next to the two best friends.
"What 'ya eating?" Alisha scooted over to me as some of her shoulder lengthen, black hair fell into her face. I popped another piece of steak into my mouth and looked at the almond skinned girl.
"Leftover steak." I said with a full mouth, not minding my manners.
"Cold?" the chestnut eyed girl asked with a confused look laced with disgust.
"Yep." I swallowed my food and popped another piece into my mouth
Alisha's face fully contorted into one of utter disgust. "Ew. Why cold?" Alisha questioned me.
Swallowing my food, my blue eyes stared into Alisha's chestnut colored ones. "I'll eat cold, hot, warm, and even raw. Steak is one of my favorites and the state of the meat won't ruin it for me." I explained shortly to her as I continued to eat. Alisha shrugged her shoulders. Carisma then walked into the living room with a small plastic bag in her hand.
"What's that?" Yvanna asked Carisma as she grabbed the attention of Alisha.
"Candy." Carisma said pulling the bag closer to her chest so Alisha couldn't get at it.
"Can I have some?!" Alisha screamed at the top of her lungs, eyes wide. Carisma proceeded to throw a single piece of candy at Alisha's fore head, it bounced off and Alisha caught it, popping it into her mouth happily. We all sat in silence for a couple minutes before Carisma got up and turned on the TV.
"These clown sightings are out of hand! There have been eighteen reports in Foxburg Pennsylvania, twelve in Savannah Georgia, five in Orlando Florida, and five more in Tampa Florida." The news reporter said sternly, clutching the microphone.
"Foxburg?! THAT'S HERE!" Yvanna gasped as her hazel eyes widened.
"Your point? I dare a clown to jump out at me. Most are just low lifes with nothing better to do than to play dress up and scare innocent people." I stated with a blank expression, not taking my eyes off the TV.
"Same." Carisma retorted with a small laugh as she flipped through the TV channels. "There's nothing good on TV." Carisma groaned, dropping the remote beside herself.
"How about a movie?" Alisha suggested hopping off the big couch.
"Sure." Carisma said as she leaned back.
"Fine with me." I said as I rested my head on Carisma's thigh.
"I'm fine with anything, but Zombie Land. I refuse to watch that movie." Yvanna stated with a scowl as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Why? What's wrong with Zombie Land?" I snickered at the beige skinned girl that dwarfed me in height.
"BECAUSE Alisha has watched it twenty seven times in a row last night!" Yvanna half yelled in annoyance. Alisha giggled like a school girl. Crawling over to the DVD rack, Alisha started to browse through the abundance of movies.
"Hm..." Alisha hummed to herself, then I saw her chestnut eyes light up with excitement. "How about the Purge?" Alisha beamed as she held the movie out. We all agreed and Alisha popped in the movie and hopped back onto the couch and stuck her face in my neck.
"What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.
"You smell good." Alisha pulled away from me and sat back and watched the bloody movie.
About half an hour into the film, Yvanna spoke up. "You guys hungry?" Yvanna asked sitting up, her ear lengthen, curly, brown hair bouncing. We all agreed and Carisma pulled out her phone.
"Pizza okay?" Carisma smiled, phone in hand.
"Yes!" I stated happily with a smile. If there was one thing that could instantly make me happy, it was pizza or food in general.
"Sure, fine with me." Yvanna smiled as she glanced over at me.
"Yup." Alisha stated, not taking her eyes off the TV. After a few rings someone picked up and Carisma placed our order. We waited for about twenty minutes before the doorbell rang. Carisma paused the movie momentarily and got up to answer the door. The curly haired girl opened the door and there stood the pizza girl, obviously unamused.
"Fifteen bucks." the girl demanded as she held her hand out expectantly.
Furrowing her brows together, Carisma spoke up. "Calm down." Carisma stated with some attitude lacing her tone.
"Don't tell ME to calm down little girl, just give me the damn money I'm owed, so I can leave." the pizza girl retorted in annoyance.
"You're a bitch." Carisma said bluntly with a blank expression.
"I wouldn't be talking if I were you. Just fucking pay me already, damn." she spat angrily, tightening her grip on the card board box that held the pizza.
"You know what..." Carisma didn't finish her sentence as she reached out, grabbed the pizza, and kicked the girl back using her foot before slamming and locking the door without paying. I busted out laughing as I held my side.
"What's so funny?" Carisma asked as she put the pizza on the kitchen table, retrieving plates from the cabinet.
"Th-the look on her face was PRICELESS!" I said through my laughter. I ended up falling off the couch because of my crazy laughing fit.
We all got our food and sat back down and continued to watch the rest of the satisfyingly gruesome movie. I picked up my phone to check the time, it's 10:23pm. Carisma kept fidgeting, looking over her shoulder every now and then. Setting my phone aside, I looked back at my best friend.
"You okay? What's wrong?" I asked quietly as I glanced back at the movie.
"Nothing, I just-," Carisma shifted in her spot. "I feel like there's someone watching me. Us." Carisma answered back as she looked over her shoulder once more at the large window that sat behind the couch. I got up leisurely and walked over to the large window. Peeking through the beige curtains, all I saw was the woods, but out of the corner of my eye I swear I saw something tall, but it could have just been my imagination or a tree dancing in the wind, we do live in Foxburg afterall, a fairly large town that is surrounded by miles and miles of woods. I kept what I thought I saw to myself as to not alarm anyone and returned to my seat where everyone was to continue the movie.

Make sure to vote on the story! It really helps out! I love you all and I'll see you next chapter! ♡

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