Chapter 14

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- Brooke's POV -

I was woken up by a little girl tugging on my hand. " Who are you? " I asked tiredly as I sat up in bed. " I'm Sally! " the little girl beamed with happiness. As Sally came into focus, I noticed the blood trickling down her fore head and onto her dirty pink night gown.

Is she OKAY?

" I guess she's like Ben? " I said rather confused as I searched the bed for my glasses. Sally continued to tug on my hand till I sat up in bed completely.

Rubbing my eyes, I stared at Sally sleepily. " Will you play with me? " I looked at the little girl as if she were crazy, it wouldn't be far from the truth. " What time is it? " I stared at the green eyed girl who stood in front of me.

9:26 in the morning, it's way to early for this.

Max's sudden answer startled me slightly. " Maybe later sweetheart, I'm tired. " I said pulling my hand away from the little girl and crawling back under my navy blue blanket. Sally kicked at the hardwood floor and shuffled out of my room, slamming the door behind her. She reminded me of my younger sister when we were little, always gets an attitude if things don't go her way.

I sighed and shut my eyes, attempting to go back to sleep. My attempt resulted in failure and I threw the big navy blue blanket off me angrily and sat up. Groaning, I swung my small feet over the side of the bed, the tip of my big toe touched the cold hardwood floor and I shuddered. I stood up and pulled my arms to my chest to keep myself warm. I walked over to the window that was next to my bed and pulled back the black sheet that was covering it. Most of the colorful leaves that were once on the huge trees laid scattered on the ground. Today is the first of November.

Sighing to myself a thought came to mind. My birthday was in about a month, December sixth. My birthday wasn't anything special, or at least I never treated it like it was. A couple people would say " happy birthday ", I'd eat a cupcake, and that would be that. I walked away from the window and over to my bedroom door, opening the door slowly, I walked out.

Though, I had on a hoodie and pants, I was freezing. As I walked down the long hallway of the mansion, I could hear various noises. Muffled voices, thumps and thuds, and music. This house is really strange.

How did we end up living in this place?

I laughed at Max's question. Fumbling down the huge staircase, I made my way to the kitchen, passing Ben. " Sup B. " the short blond greeted me, pausing his game. I gave a small, yet tired, smile and waved. Ben resumed his game and I went into the large kitchen. In the middle of the large room, stood an old, but classy dinning table that could fit twenty people easily. As I made my way to the fridge, my thirst made itself known. I glanced around and spotted a glass sitting in the sink. I grabbed the glass and rinsed it before gulping down some water. I set the glass aside and made way back up stairs to do some exploring. 

As I ascended the wooden stairs, I could hear Alisha's voice grow near. " But, I don't want to! " Alisha whined. " It's not THAT bad. " Yvanna's voice retorted. Their conversation stopped and Alisha walked out of Yvanna's room reluctantly, Yvanna followed. " Hey. " Yvanna said walking up to me. " Hi... " Alisha said in a low voice as I stared at her. I turned my attention from Alisha to Yvanna and gave her a questioning look. " She doesn't want to meet any of the people here. " Yvanna put her hand on Alisha's shoulder and Alisha shrugged it away with attitude. Sighing, Yvanna continued to push Alisha along the hallway.

I roamed the mansion's long corridors for what felt like an eternity before stumbling upon a set of big double doors. Curiosity got the better of me as I gripped the door knob and twisted. The door didn't open correctly, so I nudged it with a little force and the door creaked open. I took a step into the large, dark, room and my vision landed on a number of large, tall bookcases, it was a library. A smile played its way onto my lips and I went into the room completely, not bothering to close the door.

I gazed at all the books the large library homed. Making my way to a far bookcase, I began to scan over the book titles. As I browsed the numerous amounts of book titles, I noticed that the books began to turn to braille. " Why are there braille books? " I asked a little confused. 

I don't understand why they would have braille books here, but at the top shelf there's also Greek and German, so there's that.

Max said as I flipped through the large book. I shrugged my shoulders in response, placed the book back on its shelf, and continued to browse the books. I settled on a large medical book. I sat down on the hardwood floor and leaned against the book shelf.

The book was very interesting, talking about how blood is taken from a patient and stored. Max had disappeared a while ago and has been quiet since, leaving me to read. As I read intently, I felt something tickle my nose and I sneezed, bumping the bookcase in the process. The bookcase moved enough to where a large braille book from the top shelf fell. I stuck my arms out to catch it, but the book never came. Opening my eyes, I looked up to where the book should have been and found the book there, but in someone's gloved hand. I followed the hand to a body and up to a face. A blue mask with big, black eye sockets dripping black, stared back at me. I'm intrigued as to who wears this mask. " Who are you? " a low defensive voice came from behind the mask. " I'm Brooke. " I answered rather nervously. " I don't recognize the name. " " Well, I kinda live here now. " I shut my book and the masked man stuck out his free hand. Hesitantly, I grabbed the man's hand and he pulled me up. The man turned to the bookcase and ran his gloved hand across the braille, searching for the empty space the book had fell from. " It came from the top shelf. " I said putting my medical book back in it's place. The man turned to me and then back to the book case. He reached up and felt around for the empty space, finding the vacant spot, he slid the book back into it's rightful place. " What's your name? " I inquired, putting my hands in my hoodie pocket. " Jack. " he answered. " I'm Brooke. " I replied with a warm smile.

Jack was very tall compared to me. I only stand at 4'10 and Jack looked to be about 6'3. Examining the masked man, my eyes traveled up to his neck and I froze. His skin looked gray from where I was standing. I stood up on my toes to get a better look and Jack took a step back. " Sorry. " I said in embarrassment. Jack stayed silent. I don't know what it is about Jack, but he intrigues me greatly. " Your friends were looking for you I think. " Jack said staring down at me. " They were? I thought they wouldn't notice me. " Jack turned around to walk out of the library and I followed.

" THERE YOU ARE! " Carisma yelled from the couch as Jack and I walked down the stairs. " Ah, you met E.J. " Ben said pausing his game. E.J.? Where does the 'E' come in? I wondered to myself.

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