Chapter 50

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- Brooke's POV -

I laid on my bed, bored, bruised, and sore. I trained with Hoodie again after school today, he's getting a lot more aggressive with his attacks, I can hardly keep up. I was really tempted to use Max against Hoodie, but I didn't want to risk upsetting Slender, so I followed the rules.

Can't sleep?

Max's deep voice came. " Not tired, plus my body is sore. " I held my hand up and let the brilliant blue light grow bright. " My healing powers may aid in open wounds, but as far as I can see it does nothing for bruises and soreness. "

I guess that makes sense.

" At least - " I stopped talking abruptly and sat up in bed. I can hear something moving outside. Though, I'm on the second story, but I can still faintly hear it.

I sat in silence for a moment before my bedroom door flew open as Carisma and Yvanna flew in sweating and out of breath. I opened my mouth to speak, but Carisma beat me to it. " Brooke you need to get dressed, " Carisma yelled through hitched breaths " there's three corrupted down by the shopping complex. " Carisma finished as she glanced over her shoulder into the hallway.

You need to go, get your dad too.

I rushed out of bed and dived for my dresser. I had no time to find my jeans or hoodie, so I had to settle for black legging and a charcoal colored long sleeved shirt. I threw on some random socks, my combat boots, and slipped on my leg holster with my twin claw knives. I pulled my hair back into a messy pony and put on the glasses that I never wear, but I need to see.

Carisma, Yvanna and I all rushed down stairs. Carisma and Yvanna bolted towards the door, but I went for my dad's room instead. " What the hell are you doing?! We have to go! " Yvanna screamed as she threw her bat aside to be left behind. I went to bang on my dad's door, but the door swung open and my dad rushed passed me.

He knows, now go.

I nodded to Max's words and jogged over to the open front door.

- Time Skip -

We all arrived at the shopping complex and saw the corrupted in the distance. Destroying buildings and corrupting people, they look pissed. " Im going to take the roof tops, hold them off! " my dad ordered as he ran around the back of a liquor store a few yards away. The three of us exchanged glances and headed towards the area with the corrupted.

People screamed and ran in all directions. I glanced around to better intake the situation and caught sight of a car behind the corrupted. It had crashed into a telephone pole and projected the woman out the windshield, but that's not what caught my attention. What caught my attention was a little girl, roughly two years old, screaming and crying in the back seat. Carisma must have seen it before me as she had rushed into action. Yvanna took on one of the corrupted with her powers.

The second corrupted caught sight of Carisma and the screaming child. The corrupted roared distortedly and swiped it's claws at the two. Carisma was quick to react and dove to the side with the child in her arms. Carisma did this a few more times before falling over. The little girl squirmed and Carisma let her out of her hold. The brown eyed girl ran for a man screaming out " Amy " desperately. The father and daughter reunited in a hug and ran for safety, passing me on the way.

Yvanna finished off the first corrupted by smashing it into the pavement. As I watched the chaos, I noticed something.

Carisma said there was three corrupted, I only see two.

I glanced around and before I knew it, I heard a building crumble behind me and a loud distorted roar.

I turned around and before I could act, I was pinned to the pavement.

The corrupted snapped at my face, but I elbowed it and it growled in annoyance. I reached down to my leg for my claw knife and felt the hilt graze my finger tips.

I wrapped my hand around the knife and yanked it out of the holster. I brought my arm up and swiped at the corrupted's hideous face. Landing a good gash, I let out a wry laugh. I brought my arm up again to swipe, but the corrupted saw it coming and pinned my arm to the ground. Within the blink of an eye, the corrupted sunk its teeth into my shoulder. I let out ear peircing screams, not only in pain, but in terror. " MAX! " I screeched. The corrupted went flying backwards and into a building.

Are you okay?!

" Yeah, I'll be fine. " I growled. I retrived both of my claw knives and got into a fight stance, not minding my shoulder or the blood soaking my ripped shirt.

The corrupted bounced back quick and grunted in anger. Not wasting a moment, it lunged at me and I side stepped just in time. While the corrupted was facing away from me, I lunged with my knives ready.

I landed on the corrupted's back and grabbed the once human by it's blood matted hair. Flailing, the corrupted swiped and clawed at its own back, leaving deep gashes. I reached my arm around under it's jaw and swiftly glided my knife around its neck.

The corrupted's growls turned to gurgles as it choked on its own black blood.

The beast fell to the ground, limp and bleeding out. I turned just to see Carisma finishing off the other corrupted and Yvanna over by a building.

The corrupted fell dead with its friends and Carisma glanced over at me. Nodding once, Carisma began to walk over to me. She didn't get far though, she stopped dead in her tracks after a few steps and stared at me.

" What's the - " Max cut me off.


I turned and was immediately tackled to the ground by someone. I managed to kick the person off and roll onto my back, but just as soon as they were gone they were back. Pinning me to the blood soaked pavement, a woman loomed over me. She looked so familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


My breathing hitched and my eyes widened. Kate's breathing was deep and distorted. Her white mask was soaked in a black substance leaking from her mouth and eyes.

I picked up on the sound of distant footsteps growing louder and quicker and out of the corner of my eye I saw Yvanna sprinting towards Kate. Kate turned to face Yvanna without leaving me. Just as Yvanna was about to get close enough to Kate, a gun shot rang out loud and clear and Yvanna hit the ground. Kate let out distorted laughs and leaned back over me.

In a deep, distorted, inhuman voice Kate spoke with a sharp toothed smile that reminded me of Jack " He comes to bedsides, icy bridges, battlefronts, and crumbling ridges. When he comes, he comes alone, taps a shoulder, then is gone. " Kate cackled as black dripped from her mouth. She's... Corrupted.

As Kate cackled in my face, I heard the screeching of car tires behind Kate, I saw four black vans with " S.C.P Foundation " in big white letters on the side.

Oh no.

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