Chapter 11

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- Carisma's POV -

I slowly crept up to the window of a small, yet attractive house. I shimmied the window open as quietly as I could and slipped into the room of a ten year old boy, who slept soundly in his bed. I held my gun to the sleeping boy's head and waited. The young boy's eyes fluttered open and widened in terror once he realized what was happening. The horrified look on his face brought immense joy to my heart as I pulled the trigger, ending the young boy's life. I slipped out the window and sprinted back to the dark cover of the woods. I watched from the tree line as the boys parents barged into his room and wailed in horror. Smiling to myself, I did the same for three more houses. Keeping a pattern. Boy, girl, boy, girl and so on. Each and every one of the children were bullies of my youngest sister and brother. I wasn't going to allow low lifes to ruin them the way they ruined Brooke. 

- Alisha's POV -

I tracked down my old school bully and headed for her house, Abby. I faced her house. I slipped in the unlocked back door and crept up the stairs, with no noise to follow. Yvanna waited outside, I wanted to do this one by myself. As I made my way down the hallway, I heard Abby's anger inducing voice coming from the last room. I followed her annoying voice and stood by her bedroom door. She was the only one home, perfect. I opened her bedroom door. "Hey, I gotta go." Abby hung up the phone and walked over to the door cautiously. I lunged at her, tackling her to the ground. I drew my dagger and her green eyes widened in shock when she saw my face. I plunged the dagger down, piercing her heart. I got up and watched as she choked on her own blood. With the little life she had left, she looked up at me and spat blood at me, some hit my cheek, but I didn't mind at all. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something in the window, I turned around and looked out the window, catching a glimpse of a white hoodie dashing back into the woods. Brushing it off, I exited the way I came and met with Yvanna.

- Yvanna's POV -

Alisha emerged from the house, a satisfied smiled plastered on her face. We parted ways and I went to the next neighborhood. I spotted Meghan's house and made my way to it. I wasn't going for Meghan, oh no, I was going for her sorry excuse of a dad. Meghan was a childhood friend of mine and I knew she didn't get the bruises from falling down the stairs, they were from her alcoholic father. I went in through the front door, and saw Meghan's father drinking himself to death on the couch, beer and liquor bottles displayed like drunken artifacts on the floor beside the old couch. I clutched my metal baseball bat and swung at his head. A loud, sickening crack could be heard and I laughed to myself. Meghan's father, barely clinging on to life, slurred drunken curses at me and I delivered the fatal blow to his fore head. I turned around and saw Meghan, teary eyed nod at me. I nodded back once and left. There's a special place in hell for people like him. A very special place. He'll make good friends with my biological dad.

- Brooke's POV -

I moved quietly in the shadows, seeking for my next victim. I came to a small park, surrounded by woods for miles, aside from the entrance. I peeked into the park and saw nothing and no one, so I left without a second thought. I went back to the dark sidewalk and ally ways. Passing by an ally way, I payed no mind to it, seeing as there was nobody around to kill and rob. As I passed the ally way, I stopped. A sapphire blue rose lied on the sidewalk, beside the vibrant blue rose, laid a crimson red one with petals that looked so soft and touchable. I stared at the beautiful roses in confusion. Stepping over the flowers, I resumed my walking.

"So, you don't want my roses?" a deep seductive voice came. I turned around, hands still in my hoodie pocket.

I'm here for you if you need me.

"Alright, okay." I whispered under my breath. Out stepped a very tall, built man. He had to have been at least fourteen feet tall and wore a black trench coat, tall black boots, a loose red neck tie, and a fedora covering the upper half of his face topped off the bizarre outfit. His skin was paper white. I looked up at the tall man, he leaned down and lifted his fedora. He had no eyes, nose, or ears. Only a sharp toothed smirk. I continued to stare at the man as I felt my muscles tensed. "You look just like the man that's been watching me..." I muttered to myself.

"What was that sweetheart?" I furrowed my brow and snapped. "I can't hear you."

"Don't call me that asshole." I snapped.

Can I beat him?

"Not yet." I said so quietly it was almost inaudible. The tall, built man took a step forward and leaned in closer to my face. Backing up, I tripped over something. I was caught by a white tendril from the man. I tried to get out of his hold, but it was no use, he had a hold of me and lifted me off the ground.

"Now darling, let's have some fun." he purred seductively as a tendril ran up my leg. I pulled out both claw knives and swiped at the tall man's face, causing his seductive smile to change into a scowl. I looked to the tendril that held me in the air and cut myself loose, causing the man to let out a thrill cry of pain and anger. Max caught me before I could hit the concrete. The man hissed angrily and shot several tendrils at me, I cut two off and barley dodged the other three. He growled in frustration and I sprinted for the woods, with the man not far behind. I looked back and before I knew it, I hit a tree and was on the ground. I could feel warm, thick blood trickle down my fore head. A tendril wrapped tightly around my waist and lifted me into the air once more. I looked down at the ground and spotted both my claw knives.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath.

"NOW, LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!" he said through a clenched smile as he slid a tendril up my shirt and around my chest. As I continued to struggle, he took this time to wrap two tendrils tightly around my wrists and unzip the zipper on my jeans. I suddenly got a burning feeling on my right wrist and let out a cry of pain, it felt as if someone were branding me with a hot iron. I couldn't move, but I continued to try and get out of his grasp. Just as he was about to rip my jeans off, I was dropped to the ground with force, causing me to twist my ankle. I yelped in pain and grasped my ankle. I took a moment to look down at my left wrist, there was some sort of symbol burning itself into my wrist, it was an 'O' with an 'X' through it. Hot, angry tears streamed down my face from the pain in my ankle and wrist. The tall man that's been watching me tackled the other man. They wrestled across the damp ground making inhuman noises. 

"MAX?!" I called out in panic filled desperation. The tall men stopped their wrestling for a couple seconds and watched as a black cloud of smoke enveloped around me and I was in Max's arms. Max sprinted off to the meeting point with me. When we got to the meeting point, Carisma, Alisha and Yvanna rushed to my side to find out what happened. I explained what had happened briefly and Carisma clenched her fists in anger, causing her knuckles to turn white. Max carried me back home as the others followed.

- Time Skip -

Once we got back to my house Max set me down and Carisma helped me walk up to my room. Carisma sat me on my bed and left me to get a shower. Limping over to the bathroom, I slowly got undressed. I turned the water on and sat in the shower. I looked down and I had a large bruise on my chest. I felt violated and disgusted with myself, just like all those years ago. I looked at my wrist, the burning sensation had gone down, but it still hurt like hell. I didn't know what the symbol meant or how it got there in the first place. I leaned against the bath tub with the warm water hitting my head. I felt my eyes grow heavy and darkness engulfed my vision and I drifted off to sleep.

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