Chapter 6

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- Brooke's POV -

He was back. He just stared, but it felt like he was saying something, something I needed to know, but I couldn't understand. I blinked and he was gone.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Alisha shouted at Carisma and I in shock. Horror painted across her face.

"We've seen him before." Carisma stated vaguely as she got up off the couch and paced around the living room in thought, biting at her nails. 

"What's with all these weird things lately?" Yvanna asked as she slumped back onto the couch, nobody answered her, we just stayed in silence.

I picked up my phone and checked the time. 7:04pm. My dad is probably wondering where I am, I don't care, he's proabably already pissed with me, so what does it matter? I suddenly remembered what Carisma had said to me earlier that day and panned my vision up to my best friend. "So, Carisma, the plan you mentioned?" I asked snapping her out of her trance.

"Oh," She glanced in my direction. "Yeah, let's plan." Carisma walked over to me and sat down.

"What are you guys planning?" Alisha asked curiously. I looked up and gave her a questioning look.

"We're going to stop Alex and Becca. You know they'll NEVER stop, right? So, why not end it ourselves?" Carisma stated with a devilish grin. Alisha was silent for a moment before speaking up. "Doing everyone a favor here."

"I want in." Alisha stated seriously sitting up on her knees. Yvanna nodded her head in agreement. I could feel my smirk form into a smile and I looked over at Carisma who was also smiling.

"Tomorrows Halloween and I know for a fact that they're going together, they always do. They live two neighborhoods over, so if we cut through the woods we'll be able to follow them along the tree line." Carisma explained as she checked us for approval. We all nodded our heads in agreement.

"What about weapons?" Yvanna asked.

"I already have my two favorite claw knives." I said as I grinned.

"Claw knives? What's that?" Alisha asked.

"It has the handle of a pocket knife, but the blade is curved instead of being straight, so it looks like a claw. Sort of like a Velociraptor." I described my favorite sharp object.

"What about you Carisma?" Alisha asked, panning her vision over to my best friend.

"I know where my dad's 9mm handgun is." Carisma said happily.

"We'll find something." Yvanna said as she looked at Alisha.

"Then, it's settled. We meet at my house tomorrow at ten o'clock." Carisma said as she got up and swung her backpack over her shoulder, Yvanna and I did the same.

"See you tomorrow." I told Alisha as the three of us left.

As we began walking, I couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching me. Brushing it off, I continued walking and my phone began to ring. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked who it was, my dad. I declined the call and kept walking home. He's going to kill me.

Carisma left me to go to her house as well as Yvanna, so I was alone. I, again, felt the feeling of someone watching me, but it was different this time. I didn't feel someone watching me, I felt people watching me. I turned around and saw multiple figures dart out of sight and I picked up my pace. 

- Time skip -

I got home and was immediately stopped by my dad. "Where the hell were you!? And why the HELL DID YOU ATTACK TWO GIRLS AT SCHOOL?!" he asked in a harsh tone.

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