Chapter 38

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- Alisha's POV -

I rolled over and stared out at the morning sky since I never bothered to shut my window after Jeff left. I got out of bed and walked over to the mirror that was on the opposite wall from my bed. I stared into my black eyes and sighed. I miss my brown eyes. As I continued to stare, a thought popped into mind. School. How am I going to attend school with black eyes? People will think I'm crazy. I don't want the kids at school to know. Thoughts and questions kept popping into my mind and I was driving myself crazy. I took a deep breath, collected myself as best I could and went downstairs.

I hopped off the last step and almost tripped over Eclipse. Eclipse let out distorted purrs and rubbed up against my legs, I smiled as I pet her black fur. Eclipse was getting rather big. The half corrupted mountain lion walked away from me and jumped up onto the couch with Carisma. I took this moment to head into the kitchen where I found Brooke and Nina's dad wiping down the counter of the black substance that had spewed out of my mouth. " Oh, hey Alisha. Are you feeling any better? " Mr. Christensen asked as he finished wiping down the counter. " I'm feeling great, actually. Well, considering. " I replied as I gestured to my neck. Mr. Christensen smiled. " Would you mind waking up Yvanna and Brooke for me? We all need to head to the police station. " I nodded in response and started to head for the stairs, but stopped abruptly. I looked over at Carisma and Nina who were sitting on the couch watching TV. " Hey you guys should get ready, we're going to the police station for questioning today. " I finished speaking and made my way upstairs.

I walked into Brooke's room and shook her awake. Brooke mumbled and sat up, eyes still closed. " We're going to be heading to the police station soon, so you should get dressed. " I stated as I walked out of Brooke's room and across the hall to get Yvanna up. I entered my best friend's room and didn't bother being nice about waking her up as I jump on her. Yvanna gasped out of shock and pushed me off of her. I landed on the floor with a thud and laughed. " What the hell do you want!? " Yvanna glared at me. " We're going to the police station soon. Get ready. " I stated as I walked out her room and back downstairs.

- Brooke's POV -

Rise and shine.

Max said as I got out of bed. I stretched and rubbed my eyes as I stumbled over to my dresser to find something to wear.

After rummaging through my clothes for a couple of minutes, I settled on a pair of black tights, over the tights I wore an indigo sweater dress that fell to my mid thigh. It's actually just a really big sweater, but looks similar to a dress. I slipped on some socks and my black converse. I smiled at myself in the mirror and ran a brush through my long, dark brown hair.

You look beautiful.

I smiled. " Thanks Max. " I thanked him happily. I walked out of my room just in time to see Yvanna about to go downstairs. Yvanna wore black tights, an army green loose fitting t - shirt, her black sneakers, and her black hoodie with the green ring on the right arm tied neatly around her waist. " Hey Brooke. " Yvanna greeted me happily. " Sup. " I said as we began to go downstairs.

As we got off the stairs, everyone was waiting. I smiled and my dad picked up his car keys. " Let's go. " my dad said as he walked out the front door, we all followed. We all piled into my dads car, I got shotgun as everyone else had to ride in the back. My dad started up the car and the radio came on. I liked the song that was playing so I turned it up and Carisma began to sing along to the lyrics. My dad put my window down and I felt the cool March breeze run through my hair and I smiled to myself. It's March first today.

After twenty minutes of driving to the police station, we arrived. The drive wasn't as long as it should have been, it was Sunday and people were in church or at home. We all got out of the car and my dad turned to us. " Remember what I said at home. Lie and keep your proxy symbols hidden. " my dad said. We all nodded our heads in agreement and my dad smiled. We walked into the rather small police station and waited at the front desk for someone.

A couple seconds went by and an officer walked out from around a corner, laughing to himself. He looked up from the paper in his hand and his expression contorted into one of shock. He hastily put the paper down on the front desk and looked back at us. " Are you guys here for questioning? " he asked as he took a seat in the computer chair at the desk. " Yes. " my dad said as he crossed his arms over his chest. " Oh, okay. Give me just a moment. " the officer said as he stood up and walked down a nearby hallway. A few moments went by and the officer came back with a man in a suit. " Hi. I'm Ryan, follow me. " the man in the suit began to walk back down the hallway he had previously came from.

We all walked into a big room with a table and about twelve chairs. It looked like this room was used for meetings or something. Ryan took his seat and gestured for us to do the same. We took our seats and waited for someone to speak up, preferably Ryan.

" So what exactly happened to you guys. " Ryan asked as he leaned back in his chair. Carisma was about to speak, but I cut her off because she's not the best liar in stressful situations.

" Nina had gone missing so I went out to look for her. " I gestured to my little sister and continued to speak. " I was taken from the same place Nina was last seen. Carisma, Yvanna, and Alisha came after me and fell into the same situation. " I lied. " How did you all escape. " Ryan's tone was stern as he folded his hands. " We were beaten almost to death and left for dead, but Alisha had enough strength to get to a phone and call my dad. " I continued to lie through my teeth. " Ryan opened a small notepad and took out a black pen. " Do you know what the men looked like? " Asked Ryan. " No. They all wore masks. If I knew what they looked like I would have came here sooner. " I deadpanned. Ryan had a displeased look on his face as he closed the notepad and pocketed the pen. Alisha had her head down, but Ryan seemed to notice her eyes. This peeked his interest and Ryan leaned over the table. " What's up with your eyes? " Ryan asked in a serious manner. Alisha looked up with a scowl. " It's a medical condition. " Alisha said harshly. Ryan had a cocky smile at this point. " Yeah, okay. You all can go. " Ryan walked out of the room and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

You did good. At least he didn't ask about anything else.

Max stated. " I don't want to stay here any longer to give him that opportunity. " I stated as I shot up and made my way out of the room.

We made it out by the front desk and Ryan rounded the corner with a large file in his hand. " I want to ask you all one more thing. " I ignored Ryan and sped out of the station and got in the car. Ryan tried to follow us out, but Max slammed the double doors shut and my dad started driving. " Good one Max. " I said in relief.

I wasn't letting him ask anymore questions.

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