Chapter 9

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- Alisha's POV -

We all chilled in the living room, Brooke and Yvanna had fallen asleep. Carisma and I had been watching horror movies since we had gotten back to Brooke's house. By now, amber alerts had been sent out for Alex and Becca. Carisma and I sat in comfortable silence as we watched the gory movies. As I watched the movie, I could faintly hear stuff moving around outside. I shifted my gaze from the TV to Carisma. Carisma was staring back at me with a questioning look on her face. I nodded my head at her and looked past the caramel skinned girl and at the back door. Carisma grabbed her handgun and I grabbed my dagger. Clicking the safety off her gun, I followed her to the back door. Carisma slid the back door open slowly and stepped out onto the dew covered grass, and I was met with a cold gust of wind. Carisma and I followed the noise to the edge of the woods. As we got closer to the source of the noise, we froze. It was a mountain lion, but it wasn't normal, it looked just like the wolf we had saw previously. Black fur, beady red eyes, and black and red blood spilling out it's unhinged maw. The creature stared us down for a couple minutes and then lunged at us, letting out distorted screams. Carisma and I dodged its attack and readied our weapons. Carisma raised her gun and fired, striking the creature in the leg. It let out a scream of pain and lunged at Carisma, pinning her to the ground. The creature snapped its unhinged jaw at Carisma's face. I pulled out my dagger and struck the creature once in the head, it fell limp and Carisma pushed it off in shock and disgust. We were about to head back in when I spotted the creatures stomach moving. Being curious, I went over to the creature's limp body an cut its stomach open. Out came three baby mountain lions. I reached for them and two sprang up and lunged at me. I quickly dodged the small creatures. They landed on the dirt behind me and I lunged, crushing one and stabbing the other. I turned and went to do the same for the last one, but I stopped when it opened it's eyes. Warm brown eyes pierced through my chestnut brown eyes. This one wasn't completely crazed, it looked scared. I dropped my dagger and grabbed the baby mountain lion, I held it close as I rushed inside. It was freezing out, if I didn't warm it up, it would die.

I rushed over to the kitchen sink and turned the water on. I ran my hand under the water to test the temperature and gently set the baby mountain lion in the warm water. I heard footsteps and looked to my left, where I saw Brooke leaning against the wall. I rustled the baby mountain lion's black fur and it purred. I fell in love with this baby mountain lion as soon as it looked into my eyes, I knew I would keep it. I checked the cat's gender, female. "Brooke can you get me a towel?" I looked over at Brooke.

"Sure." Brooke walked out of the kitchen tiredly.

Brooke came back and handed me a brown towel. I turned the water off and gently picked her up out of the sink and wrapped her up in the absorbent cloth. I held her close to me, I had to come up with a name. As I thought about a name Brooke stroked her black fur. "Eclipse!" I exclaimed happily, startling Brooke slightly. The other baby mountain lions had red eyes and unhinged jaws, she didn't. Eclipse opened her mouth to yawn and I saw multiple rows of jagged teeth, at least her jaw wasn't unhinged. I looked down and my shirt and realized that I had the black and red blood on me. I handed Eclipse over to Brooke and asked if I could borrow a shirt. Brooke nodded in response and I went up to her room.

- Carisma's POV -

I walked in the kitchen looking for Alisha, but instead I found Brooke holding the baby mountain lion. "Her name is Eclipse." Brooke said as she stared down at the little cat in her arms. I looked into the towel and felt a small smile played it's way onto my lips. She wasn't completely crazed. Eclipse let out a quiet distorted meow and I laughed.

Leaving Brooke and Eclipse, I made my way back into the living room. Retrieving my gun from the couch, I turned on the safety and put it back in my backpack. I looked up from my pack and saw Alisha walking down the stairs. "You alright?" I asked as I took my seat back on the couch. I looked over to Yvanna's sleeping figure and sighed. That girl can sleep through anything I swear, I chuckled to myself.

"Yep, doing just fine." Alisha smiled as she made her way back into the kitchen. I sat in silence for a few moments before Brooke and Alisha came walking into the living room, Brooke sat down beside me and Alisha sat on the ground with Eclipse. I pulled out my phone to check the time. 1:12am. I watched Alisha play with baby Eclipse. "Come on Eclipse!" Alisha patted her thighs as Eclipse stumbled around. Eclipse made it to Alisha and let out a distorted meow. Brooke got up and turned the TV on.

"What do you guys want to watch?" Brooke asked looking over at us. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm fine with anything." Alisha continued to play with Eclipse. Brooke got up and stuck in her favorite horror movie, Hostel two.

Alisha ended up falling asleep on the floor with Eclipse while Brooke fell asleep on my shoulder. I was the only one awake. I had this feeling of someone watching me, I knew with absolute conviction that someone was watching me. I whispered to Brooke, who woke up rather quickly. "Wha...?" Brooke murmured quietly.

"Do you feel it too?" I asked as I looked around the dark room, I've always had really good eyesight, but my hearing isn't the best.

"Yeah, I feel it too. I just try to ignore it." Brooke said quietly. I shook off the feeling and closed my eyes in attempts to sleep.

"Hello Brooke." a man's voice said politely. Both Brooke and I shot up and looked around the dark room.

"Who's there?" I asked with my guard up.

"Hello to you too Carisma." the man's voice came again. I wasn't scared of the voice, but I stayed on guard. Brooke crawled over me and turned on the lamp next to the couch. I looked around the dimly lit room and something in the far corner caught my eye.

"Hello?" I asked as I stared at the corner.

"Hello." the man's voice came from the corner as I saw something move as well.

"I see you. Come out." I ordered the man as Brooke and I exchanged glances.

"If I came out you wouldn't think what you were seeing was real." he said.

"Just come out." I ordered one last time.

"Okay then. Don't freak out." the man walked out and he was right, I was doubting what I was seeing. It wasn't a man at all, it was a shadow thing.

"Hi." Brooke said in rather happy tone. I shot the blue eyed girl a confusing look and turned my attention back to the man.

"Hello Brooke, don't worry, I won't hurt you girls. I'm Max, I've been protecting your blood line for a quite a while now." Max said with a smile. Max looked to be a shadow, with his only visible features being his eyes and mouth, which only came out as white. Brooke smiled back and got up, walking over to Max. Max was a lot taller than Brooke was, then again Brooke was pretty short. Brooke stuck her hand through Max.

"You can't touch me, I'm a shadow entity. I can touch you though." Max put his hand on Brookes head and ruffled her hair long, dark brown hair, causing Brooke to smile.

"Why are you here?" Brooke asked looking up at Max with curious eyes.

"I've been with you since you were born, I just hid in the shadows because I thought you'd be scared of me." Max said taking his hand off Brooke's head.

"Where did you come from?" Brooke continued to ask questions, I watched.

"I was assigned to protect you. I've been protecting people in your family since the begging of time, now you." Max smiled and so did Brooke.

"So, now that you know of me, you can call upon me whenever you're in trouble or just want to talk. I'll be in your head." Max faded away in a small cloud of black smoke.


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