Chapter 67

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- Carisma's POV -

I rolled over in the old, musty motel bed and stared at the small bit of sunlight peeking through the olive green curtains. I sat up and stretched away my stiffness. I'll leave this town tomorrow, but for now I'm going to enjoy the few things this small place has to offer. 

I threw the cream colored blanket off of my bare legs and shuddered at the cool air that swept past me. Adjusting my shorts, I stumbled over to the bathroom to shower. 

- Time Skip -

I ended up falling asleep in the dirty shower for almost an hour before actually getting out. I dried myself off and slipped into my black skinny jeans, which was quickly followed by my gray tank top. 

I dried my hair with the small towel as best as I could, which resulted in some excess hair dye dying the small white towel. Setting aside the towel, I used the small hair drier to finish it off completely before slipping on my black jacket, red leather jacket, socks and brown boots. I took a look at myself in the mirror, nodded and made my way out of the small motel room. 

The cold December air nipped at my nose and I sneezed as I shut the front door behind me. I gazed at what I could see from the small town and made my way down the metal stairs beside my room. 

I strolled out of the small motel parking lot and onto the busy, open street. I glanced around before deciding to go left towards a nearby Denny's to get some food.

As I tread through the couple inches of wet snow, people passed by in cars and the cold air nipped and bit at me. I pulled my arms close and continued on my way. Though, my metal arm wasn't all too great at keeping me warm.

The walk wasn't all that long or far, the Denny's was only about a mile or so from the motel itself.

I gripped the door handle to the glass door of Denny's, but something caught my eye. I let my hand slip from the brass door handle and turned to my left to look at a little ball of a person curled up against the brick wall of the neighboring building, which was a small liquor store.

I sped over to the ball of a person and crouched down to their height. They were freezing and my heart ached. I quickly slipped off my leather jacket and draped it over the small person. " Are you alright? " I asked with a bit of concern lacing my soft tone. " I'm fine... " the green eyed girl pouted as she shivered under my red jacket. " Where's your family? Are you hungry? " I questioned the brown haired girl. " I don't have a family, but what's it matter? " the green eyed girl snapped defensively, but soon quieted her tone. " Do you want some food? " I asked as I stood up straight again. " No. I don't need your help. " the thin girl huffed. " Really? You're fucking freezing to death, you're soaked from the snow and you're orphaned. " I reached down to the girl and took her by her wrist despite her small struggle and pulled her to her feet. " I'm buying you a meal. Whatever you do after, I don't care, but eat. " I dragged the wet girl into the Denny's and requested a table for two. Not long after requesting we were seated and ordering drinks. 

The black haired waitress smiled at us and set our drinks down in front of us. " Thank you. " I thanked the woman. She smiled in response and left us. 

" So, what's your name kid? " I asked as I sipped my steaming, bitter coffee. " Laura. Laura Esmond. " the cold girl stated flatly as she adjusted my leather jacket over her frail figure. " Okay Laura, what happened to you? Are you a runaway or were you abandon? " I set my hot coffee aside to cool a bit and crossed my arms over my chest, awaiting an answer. Laura was silent for a moment before answering. " My father was murdered and my mom was shot. " Laura's tone was quiet and she didn't make any eye contact. " Shit. I'm sorry to hear that. How long have you been on your own? " I crossed my legs. " About a year or so, I think. I'm not really sure. " Laura sipped her cold water slowly and sighed once before setting the wet glass down again. " Do you have anywhere to go? A foster family maybe? " I set my elbows on the foe wood table and rested my chin in my hands. " No, I don't. Do you have a home or a family? " Laura asked with a bit of curiosity. " Not really. Well, there's some place I can call home, but I can't go back and as for my biological family, I don't know what happened to them. They could be living a happy life or dead for all I know. I haven't made much of an effort to find out. I'm not sure I want to know. " I explained. " Why can't you go back? " Laura asked a bit intrigued as she made direct eye contact with me. " I wouldn't really call them a so called 'family'. Back there though I do have a father like, well, not fatherly, he's more of my boss than anything. " I gave a half smile to the intrigued child that is Laura. " A boss? " Laura spoke up and her voice took on a bigger shape. " Yeah. I wouldn't say he cares for me as another human nonetheless a 'daughter'. I'm more of an asset to his line of work. " I described Slender as best as I could and sighed as I leaned back in my chair. " Oh. " Laura panned her vision over to look at my hands, which were folded neatly and resting on the table. " What happened to your hand? " she asked as she continued to stare. I let out an awkward sigh and pushed up the sleeve of my black jacket to reveal the metal prosthetic. Laura's green eyes widened in a mixture of shock, wonder, and amazement. " What happened? Were you in an accident or were you just born without that part of your arm? " Laura bombarded me with questions as our waitress walked back over to our table.

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