Chapter 4

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- Brooke's POV -

"Brooke? It's time to get up. You have school." my dad said as he shook me awake, but I didn't want to get up. I groaned as I groggily sat up. My hair was a mess. My dad made sure I was awake before leaving and I got out of bed to go find my school uniform.

I picked up my navy blue polo shirt and rummaged through a drawer to find my black skinny jeans that were, unfortunately, too long. As I got dressed, I heard my phone start to ring. I hopped over to my nightstand and picked up my phone to check who was calling me, it was a group call with Carisma and Alisha. I groaned in annoyance and hit the 'answer' button. I really hated the group calls, not because I didn't want to talk to my three best friends, but because we all tried to talk at once.

"HEY BROOKE!" Alisha screamed and I instinctively pulled the phone away from me with a scowl.

"Hey Brooke..." Carisma said with a scratchy voice that made her sound sick.

"Are you alright?" I asked Carisma. I slipped on some socks.

"I had a REALLY weird night." Carisma said with a concerned tone.

"So did I!" Alisha cut in.

"Same." I said as I slipped my polo shirt over my head.

"Hi guys..." Yvanna joined the call and we all greeted her. After I got my shirt on, I walked over to my dresser and leaned in close to my mirror and lifted my sleeve up. The cut wasn't that bad, but it hurt and stung. Sighing to myself, I said goodbye to everyone in the group call and hung up. Making my way over to the hooks on my wall, I grabbed my brown and black backpack and swung in over my shoulders. Leaving my bedroom, I made my way down stairs and over to the front door. I said my goodbyes to my dad before beginning my walk to school.

- Time Skip -

As I walked up a small hill, I spotted my school in the distance and groaned. I then noticed three distant figures talking. I recognized them as my three best friends and started to jog over to them.

"Hi Brick!" Alisha beamed as she gripped her side and winced in pain.

"I'm not brick." I glared at the thin girl. Carisma was leaning against the school fence, arms crossed and head tilted back, sleeping. I walked over to her and shook her awake gently.

"What...?" Carisma said sleepily.

"It's time for class." I said as she stood up and stretched. The bell rang and we all went to our respected classes. Alisha had history, Yvanna had chemistry, Carisma and I had biology.

Carisma and I walked into class and took our seats in the back just as Alex and Becca walked in. Alex was one of the "coolest" girls in our whole school, I didn't care. I like being an outcast with my friends, no drama. Alex took her seat three places in front of me and I stared at the back of her head. She then turned around. "What are you looking at?" she spat.

"You." I said flatly as I leaned back in my chair.

"I'm not the one to be stared at, but people stare at your singed ass." she insulted me. I could feel my heart sink into my stomach and my blood begin to boil. Carisma got up abruptly and, without a second thought, slapped her across the face. Alex shot up out of her seat and got in Carisma's face. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are!" she said with as much attitude as she had in her.

"You're human too, you're not special." Carisma stated bluntly. The teacher walked in and Alex eyed Carisma down before taking her seat, Carisma did the same. Becca turned around to face Carisma and I, she opened her mouth to say something, but closed it once the teacher began his lecture.

- Time Skip -

As fifth period ended, I met up with the others and we all walked to lunch.

Walking into the large lunch room, we sat our things on one of the few booths in the corner and went to get our lunch.

As we walked back to our seat with our lunch, I bumped into Alex. I glared up at her and kept walking until she pulled me back forcefully, causing me to drop my lunch. Cursing under my breath, I turned around to face Alex and Becca with a scowl. "What do you bitches want?" I growled through clenched teeth. I don't have the time or energy to deal with this.

"Oh, look who can talk. No wonder your family left you, what mother would ever want a child as ugly as you?" Alex pushed me back and a low growl erupted from my throat, biting back anger.

"No mother would ever want a burned daughter, let alone a stupid burned daughter." Becca grabbed my chin and pulled me close to her face and at this point my anger was about to erupt. "Nobody would ever love someone as ugly and stupid as you." Becca cooed as she pushed my chin back, forcing my to look at her. Carisma got up and marched over, but before she could say or do anything I lunged at Becca. She hit the ground hard, I was on top of her and just started to swipe at her face leaving multiple deep gashes. She threw me off her and landed a strong punch across my scar covered face. Alex went to go tackle me, but Carisma caught her and pinned her against a lunch table. Becca cut me with her fake nails and I got a hold of her hair, she had a few hair extensions. I pulled as hard as I could and ripped two out. I couldn't do it anymore. I felt something snap inside me and I lost all control. I started to laugh like a crazed person. I wasn't feeling pain, or it wasn't effecting me in the moment. Becca stood up and went to punch me, but I side stepped it and I headbutted her.

I felt multiple pairs of arms wrap around me and hold me down. I looked up to see Alisha and Yvanna, my anger went down a tad bit, but not enough. I thrashed to be let go. Becca and Alex had been bullying me ever since first grade and I wasn't about to stop now. Alisha tighten her grip on my waist and Yvanna managed to get me to the floor. I stopped thrashing and just laughed as my heart raced and my adrenaline pumped. I lifted up my head slowly and looked at Carisma, she turned to face me and she went pale. Alisha and Yvanna noticed this and looked down at my face. "Brooke are you okay?! " Alisha gasped as she leaned in front of my face.

"Never better." I growled, out of breath.

"Your eyes are HUGE Brooke!" She exclaimed shaking my shoulders. I lifted a hand up to my face and touched the place around my eyes, I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. I was about to say something until the principle walked in and grabbed my shirt collar and dragged me into his office down the hall, along with Alex and Becca.

"ARE YOU GIRLS CRAZY?!" the principle exclaimed. I sat there in silence, staring at my nails that had blood under them.

"WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO HER! SHE'S PSYCHO AND ATTACKED US!" Alex said through painful sobs as blood trickled down her face, I just laughed to myself under my breath.

"Alex and Becca go call your parents to pick you up." Alex and Becca got up and walked out of the office, but not after shooting glares at me.

"Now Brooke, why did you attack them?" the principle asked sternly, I stayed silent. "Fine, be that way. I'll call your father and let him know about your two week suspension." the principle said.

"I don't care anymore..." I muttered as I stared at the floor.

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