Chapter 34

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- Brooke's POV -

I walked away from the abundance of boxes and glanced over at Carisma, who was sitting on the couch with Eclipse curled up next to her. Smiling, I turned and went to walk upstairs.

Gripping the straps of my backpack, I ascended the stairs.

Stepping off the last step at the top, I rounded the corner, but didn't get far as I bumped into someone. I stepped back and gazed up at my dad's worn, tired face. A smile crawled onto my lips and I was pulled into a powerful hug by my dad's bulky loving arms. I didn't hesitate and hugged back with all the strength I had in me, which wasn't much. " I didn't even hear you guys get home. " My dad pulled away from the hug and used his fore arm to wipe away some sweat that was on his fore head. " Are the rooms ready yet? " I asked with a warm yet tired smile. " Just about, there's still some stuff left to move out. " My dad gestured to the rooms that lined the hallway. An idea popped into my head and I waltzed passed my dad and into my room. Dropping my backpack next to my dresser, I tied my hair into a loose pony tail and headed back to my dad. " I can help. " I offered. My dad smiled, nodded, and started to walk toward my youngest sister's room, Lily.

I began to help take down the old Hello Kitty posters and drawings that stuck to the walls. My dad stripped her bed of all the sheets and moved out the old toys. Once all that was done, I wiped down the dresser and nightstand of all the dust that had accumulated over the years. I heard a knock on the door frame and turned to see who was the source. Alisha leaned against the dark wooden frame. " I was wondering where you went. " Alisha stated as she crossed her arms over her chest. " Oh. I'm helping my dad clear out my siblings old rooms for y'all to stay in. " I explained. " Oh. So how's it coming along? " Alisha asked as she pushed herself off the door frame. " My dad is finishing up my little brothers room, then we should be done. " I answered as I fanned myself. " Who's room is who's? " Alisha inquired with a smirk. " Um. First come first serve? " I stated in a confused manner. Alisha's Eyes lit up and she dashed out of the room. I heard Alisha's feet beat against the hardwood floor and a door swing open, hitting the wall behind it. " I CALL DIBS! " Alisha screamed at the top of her lungs.

My dad walked into the room I was in and gave me a questioning look. " I told Alisha she could pick her room. " I explained. " Oh. " My dad stated flatly.

Do you know if you guys are going to go back to school?

I acknowledged Max's question. " I don't think so. " Max stayed silent at my response.

I soon heard the sound of the others coming upstairs. I sighed and braced myself as I walked into the hallway. Everyone was standing around, silent. Alisha guarded the bedroom she claimed, which happened to be Nina's old room. I cleared my throat and began to speak. " I guess you all can pick your rooms. " Everyone scrambled to get the room they wanted. Yvanna shoved Carisma out of the way, sending her to the ground, but Carisma was quick to react by grabbing Yvanna's ankle and tripping her. Carisma shot up and bolted for the room next to mine. Proudly, Carisma guarded the room with a sly smirk as Yvanna glared daggers at her.

Yvanna ended up getting stuck with my brothers old room, which happened to be the smallest. Carisma took Lily's old room. And Alisha claimed Nina's old room, but we were still short a room for Nina. " You can sleep on the floor in my room if you want. " I offered to my younger sister. Nina declined my offer saying that she would sleep on the couch. My dad went downstairs, leaving the four of us upstairs. I stood in my room with the strange feeling of normalcy. I smiled to myself and jumped onto my long missed bed. I stared up at my white ceiling and sighed. So much has happened over the past months that's hard to ever return to a life of normalcy and simplicity.

My eyes started to feel heavy, but before I could completely close them there was a knock at my bedroom door. I opened my eyes and rolled off the side of my bed, barely landing on my feet. Stumbling, I walked over to my bedroom door and opened it. " Hey, do you guys have any blankets or pillows? " Yvanna asked with a tired smile. " Oh, yeah. Follow me. " I walked passed Yvanna and downstairs.

I made my way downstairs and over to the rather large lining closet right next to the washer and dryer. I pulled out some old blankets and sheets that we had and Yvanna helped carry them upstairs.

I gave Yvanna Nina's old bed sheets that were digi cammo. I got some of my dad's old sheets which were ash grey and knocked on Carisma's door. Carisma answered while she tied her hair up. " Here are some sheets for your bed. " I stated as I generously held out the grey sheets. " These look a little big. " Carisma examined the cloth with questioning eyes. " They're going to be a little big for your bed, but they'll do. " I turned to walk away, but Carisma spoke up. " Can I have a blanket? " I turned to her and nodded.

I made my way downstairs and to my dad's room.

I knocked on the wooden door a few times before he answered. " Hey dad, do you have a spare blanket by chance? " I asked. My dad yawned and nodded slowly. He stepped back into his room and I picked up in the sound of his TV.

A few moments went by and my dad stepped out of his room with a folded black blanket. I thanked my dad and made my way back to Carisma.

Carisma sat on the floor next to her bedroom half asleep. " Here ya go. " I held the fleece blanket out to her with a small smile. Carisma took it without a second thought and went back into her room.

She seems tired.

I laughed at Max's comment. " Now I just have to give Alisha her sheets. I sighed as I starred at the sheets for Alisha. White with purple polka dots. " I don't think she's going to take nicely to these. "

It's Alisha.

Max had a point, so I walked over to Alisha's bedroom door and knocked once before her door flew open. " Hi Brookie! " Alisha exclaimed. I shushed her and held out her sheets with an awkward smile. Alisha took the sheets and stared down at them. " Do I get a blanket? " Alisha asked with a blank expression. " Yeah. " I picked up the last spare blanket we had, which happened to be a really old faded purple blanket that matched the sheets that were once my little sisters. Thanking me, Alisha shut her door and I made my way back to my room.

At least she didn't make a fuss.

I stifled a laugh at Max and flopped onto my unmade bed. Tired, I felt my eye lids grow heavier.

Get some sleep Brooke.

I heeded Max's order and let my tiredness take over.

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