Chapter 42

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- Brooke's POV -

Eclipse greeted us at the front door with a distorted meow. I ruffled the corrupted mountain lion's black fur and smiled as she nuzzled into my hand.

Carisma threw her backpack onto the couch and flopped down. I headed upstairs and changed out of my school uniform and into an old white t - shirt and some black leggings.

So what are you going to do now that you're home?

Max questioned in a relaxed tone. " I'm not sure. " I said as I stared around my room. " I haven't been in school in a while, I'm not used to coming home in the middle of the day. " Sighing, I left my room to go back downstairs.

I stepped off the last step of the staircase and glanced over at Carisma, who was asleep on the couch. She didn't even bother to change out of her uniform. I laughed and walked over to the front door. I slipped on my black converse and headed out.

What are you doing?

" Taking a walk. " I answered a curious Max.

As I walked, Max and I made conversation and I'd get strange stares from passing people. It looked like I was talking to myself or someone who wasn't there.

I was only about twenty minutes away from my house and I noticed colorful flashing lights in the distance. I squinted my eyes and noticed it was the top of a ferris wheel. A cartoon like smile found its way onto my lips. I turned around and took off sprinting back home.

What's wrong?

Max asked slightly worried. " The fair is in town! " I continued to sprint home.

I came barreling through the front door and threw myself onto Carisma. Carisma cursed and glared at me. I pushed myself up and shouted " The fair is in town! " I stared down at Carisma's annoyed expression. " Okay. Your point? " Carisma asked annoyed. " So, you're going with us! " I got off the couch and pulled Carisma off. Carisma stood up and glared daggers at me. I smiled at her and bolted up stairs.

I went crashing through Alisha's bedroom door and exclaimed at the top of my lungs " THE FAIR IS HERE! GET DRESSED! " Yvanna heard me and poked her head out of her room happily. " I'll get ready. " Yvanna stated. I nodded my head and ran into my room. Nina was watching YouTube videos on my laptop, but I was too excited to yell at her for being in my room without permission. Nina closed out the browser and shut the computer. " What's got you so hyped up? " Nina asked as she sat in my computer chair. " The fair is here! " I exclaimed. " I don't want to go. " Nina deadpanned as she got up and left my room. I brushed off my younger sister's attitude and began to get dressed. I ditched the blue tank top I loved so much and kept my navy blue t - shirt on. I slipped on my black skinny jeans, followed by my knee high lace up combat boots. I slipped my black hoodie over my head and grabbed my black and brown backpack. A sudden thought came to mind and I pulled out the paper with Elliot's number on it. I stared at the piece of crumpled paper for a second before getting out my phone and calling the number.

Elliot picked up. " Hello? " Elliot sounded bored. " Hey Elliot, its Brooke from school. I was wondering if you wanted to come to the fair with us. " I blurted out happily. " Sure. I'll meet you guys there. See you guys when you get there. " and with that Elliot hung up.

Why don't you invite Destiney and Owen?

Max suggested. " Good idea. " I scrolled through my contacts and found Destiney's contact. I called and after two rings, she picked up. " Hey. " Destiney greeted. " Hey Destiney. I was wondering if you and Owen wanted to come to the fair with us. " I stated happily. Owen and Destiney were neighbors, so they hanged out a lot. " Sure! We'll pick you guys up. " Destiney beamed. " Cool! See you when you get here. " I ended the call and headed downstairs.

Carisma sat on the couch, playing on her phone. She had her tied up in a pony tail and wore black ripped up jeans, her red and grey converse, a grey tank top, and had a black and red flannel tied around her waist. Carisma noticed me and waved. I sat on the arm rest next to Carisma and stared down at her phone as she played a piano game.

Alisha and Yvanna came downstairs a few moments later, excited for the fair. Alisha wore black tights with white shorts over them, had on a loose pink tank top that was tucked into her shorts, and her hot pink hightops. Yvanna wore her black hoodie with the single green ring around the arm, black leggings, and her black converse. With her curly hair untamed, Yvanna smiled.

" What are we waiting for? " Carisma asked as she pocketed her phone. " Destiney and Owen are picking us up. Elliot's tagging along too. " I stated.

A couple more minutes went by and there was a knock at the door. We all got up and made our way to the front door. I opened the door and stared up at Destiney. " Let's go! " The blond girl basically dragged me out of the house. Destiney drove an old, green truck. Owen and Destiney sat up front while Alisha, Yvanna, and I sat in the back seat. There wasn't enough room for Carisma so she's riding in the bed of the truck.

We arrived at the fair and I could see everyone's faces light up with joy. Elliot waited out front and waved when he spotted us. I paid for Alisha, Yvanna, and Carisma's tickets as well as my own. Destiney, Owen, and Elliot played for themselves. The cashier gave us our wrist bands and we made our way in.

Where to first?

I gazed around the park and spotted a ride that I loved. I grabbed Destiney and Owen's arms and screamed " TO THE GRAVATRON! ".

Guess that answered my question.

I laughed at Max as I sprinted over to the line of the ride.

We stood in line for what felt like forever, but was really only five minutes. The conductor called the next group of people to get on and all my friends and I piled in. Alisha was on my right and Destiney was on my left. The ride began to spin and Carisma screamed like a child who was throwing a temper tantrum.

She can kill innocent children, but can't handle being spun around. That's priceless!

Max laughed as the ride came to a stop and Carisma pushed her way off. I looked around and spotted another ride. The tea cups. I grabbed Carisma's wrist. " TO THE TEA CUPS! " I hollered.

" Oh God... " was all Carisma could say before I pushed her into a yellow tea cup and jumped in after. " You better not spin this fuckin' tea cup. "

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