Chapter 40

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- Brooke's POV -

I fluttered my eyes open and felt someone shaking me. I stared up at my dad with an annoyed expression. " Time to get up. " my dad stopped shaking me and stood up straight. I sat up and yawned. " I'm going to go get the others up. " my dad stated before leaving my room. My dad has always been a morning person, so it doesn't surprise me that he's up and fully awake.

I stretched and shifted my gaze over to my computer chair and stared for a couple moments.

The uniforms are still in the dryer.

" Oh, right... Yay Monday... " I groaned as I threw my blanket off. I got out of bed and shuddered when my feet hit the cold floor. Annoyed and tired, I stumbled out of my room and made my way downstairs and into the laundry room. I opened the dryer and retrieved my navy blue polo and black skinny jeans. I turned to leave and bumped into someone, that someone was Carisma. I stared up at the black haired girl. Carisma has never been one for getting up in the morning, so she had a look of death plastered on her face. I stepped aside and watched as Carisma pulled out a pair of my black skinny jeans and a gray polo. Our school was lucky. We had a few different colors to choose from when it came to our shirts. Navy blue, black, gray, white, and yellow. I don't own any black polo shirts, but my dad forced me to get one yellow polo that is a mustard color. I hate it. Alisha came in after Carisma and she grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a white polo. All my clothes are going to be a little big on Alisha, but they'll work. Yvanna grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a white polo, Nina got stuck with the one yellow polo and blue skinny jeans. I laughed at Nina's bad luck and she kicked me in the shin.

I hobbled back up to my room and got dressed. I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed. Back to school and all the drama that comes with it. I ran a brush through my hair and grabbed my messenger bag. I swung the bag over my shoulder and made my way downstairs. Everyone waited by the front door and I nodded my head. " Bye dad! " I called out. " Bye sweet heart! " my dad called back and we all began walking to school.

Nina parted ways with us to go to her middle school and the four of us continued on to the high school.

- Time Skip -

The four of us made it to the front school gates and we all groaned in unison. Entering the school, Alisha kept her head down so she wouldn't attract any unwanted attention. As we entered the main building of our school, everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to us. As we continued to walk down the hallway people started whispering and some glared. I don't care.

Don't let them get to you.

" Oh, they don't bother me. It's sorta humerus if I say. " I commented and received small chuckles from my three friends and Max. Alisha went into her first period as Carisma and I departed from Yvanna. Carisma and I ignored the staring and the whispers and carried on a conversation about random topics that popped up.

We turned to go into our first period when out of nowhere, a familiar voice screamed my name from down the hallway. " BROOKE! " Destiney called as she ran down the hallway, waving for me to wait. Carisma huffed and went into class while I waited and Destiney ran up to me, pulling me into a tight hug. Destiney sported sun kissed blond hair, peach skin, and green eyes. Destiney let me go and smiled. " How are you? " Destiney looked me up and down, I laughed. " I'm fine. " I said in a polite manner. " Well what - " Destiney was cut off by someone screaming her name. " Destiney! " I looked passed the tall girl and down the hall. Destiney's best friend Owen walked with his shoulders reeled back and a smile on his face. Owen was about an inch or two taller than Destiney and had really short, dark reddish brown, curly hair that complimented his wheat colored skin and green eyes. " Hey Brooke! I didn't see you there shorty. " Owen said with a chuckle. I glared up at Owen and growled slightly in annoyance. " You haven't changed in the time you've been gone. " Owen commented.

Changed?! I think you've had more change in a couple months than most people have in their whole lives.

" True. " I said aloud without realizing. Owen thought I was talking to him so I was in the clear.

That was close.

" Mhm. " I mumbled under my breath. Owen and Destiney talked for few moments before the bell rang. Destiney sprinted off to her class, which she was now late to, and Owen went across the hall. I walked into class and everyone stared at me as if I had just turned into the hulk. I ignored their stares and went to walk to my seat, but there was someone sitting in it. I don't recognize him.

Annoyed, I marched up to the teacher and asked where to sit. The teacher gestured to the only seats left, a table behind my original seat.

Carisma and I took our seats and stared at the board with no clue about what was going on. As I continued to to stare at the board, I heard someone tap on the edge of our table and a paper slid in front of us with a phone number. We shifted our attention to the boy I didn't recognize. " Hey, I'm Elliot. You guys new here? " Elliot asked as he stared at us. I took the paper with the phone number and put it into my pocket all the while giving him a slightly annoyed look. " No. We haven't been at school for a while. " I explained in a monotone voice. Elliot had deep blue eyes and had shoulder lengthen blond hair that was pulled back into a loose pony tail. " What reasons? " Elliot pried. I snarled and turned to completely face the blond boy." It's none of your concern. " Carisma stated. " Fine. Well, I just transferred here last month. " Elliot explained.

Go figure. Everyone knows you guys around here now.

I laughed a little at Max's comment. " What's funny? " Elliot asked in a confused manner. " Nothing. " I smiled. " Well what's your name? " Elliot continued to lean back in his chair, until the legs gave out and the whole chair went down. Everyone laughed at Elliot and the teacher put her hand on her fore head in disappointment. " I'm Brooke. " I introduced myself. " And I'm Carisma. " Carisma introduced herself with a crooked smile as she stared down at Elliot, who was lying on the floor with a chair on top of him. " Max did you do that? " I turned and whispered to myself.


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