Chapter 8

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- Brooke's POV -

We all sat it the living room discussing the plan before we would leave.

"One last time," my best friend started. "We're going to find the whores and follow them as best we can from the tree line. Okay?" Carisma said as she put her hands on her hips.

"OH! OH! I made something to help us!" Alisha said as she took her backpack off and rummaged through it, she pulled out a small vile of a clear liquid and smiled. "I made it in chemistry class the other day! You can really find anything on the internet." Alisha beamed with happiness, like a child who had just gotten a new toy. "Plus, my mom showed me some once when I went to work with her." Alisha's mother was a police officer in our county. 

"What is it?" Yvanna asked as she cocked an eyebrow.

"Chlora... chlora - something." Alisha said as she brought the vile to her face.

"Chloroform." I said as I crossed my arms over my large chest. Carisma snatched the vile, pushed the top down with force, and handed it back to Alisha. Taking the vile back, she stuck the vile in her pocket and rocked back and forth on her heals.

"So, you guys ready to go?" Carisma asked as she turned around to walk out the front door. Carisma reached out to grab the door knob, but was met with a door in her face.

"OH! Sorry about that Carisma." My dad apologized as he walked in and shut the door behind him.

"What are you girls doing?" My dad asked as he put his chef coat down. My dad was a chef and my mom was a nurse.

"We're going out to trick or treat!" Alisha jumped at the question with a toothy smile. She's just like a child.

"Oh, well, I hope you girls have fun. Don't get kidnapped!" My dad's voice faded as he walked up stairs to get a shower. Alisha looked at me and I shrugged. Carisma opened the front door and scampered out, Alisha, Yvanna, and I weren't far behind. My neighborhood was crowded with kids and parents in their Halloween costumes. I glanced around and started to walk, making sure to keep my head down in case anyone was to recognize me. As soon as we were out of sight, Alisha took off running and the rest of us followed. The cool fall air rushing past me felt exhilarating and nipped at my nose. Alisha was leading, seeing as she was the fastest. Making a sharp turn, Alisha sprinted into the woods.

We're in Alex and Becca's neighborhood.

Alisha stopped abruptly and I did the same, looking back I saw Carisma and Yvanna running up behind us. Carisma and Yvanna met us and they let out hitched breaths. "You guys coul-" Carisma was cut of by another set of voices nearing us. We didn't have any lights with us so we were invisible in the dark. We all stood in silence as we listened to the voices.

"Dude I SWEAR I saw people run in here!" a man's voice exclaimed as he shined a flash light up and down.

"Then where did they go?" another man retorted in annoyance. Judging by the footsteps, it was only two people. Their voices grew louder and their light grew closer.

I whispered as softly as I could. "Scatter." I didn't hear anyone move, but I felt their presences fade away. I scaled a near by tree and waited quietly. I looked around the darkness that engulfed my vision, I've never had the best eye sight, but I have amazing hearing to make up for my horrible vision. I closed my eyes and listened intently for the two men, I could no longer hear them or sense their presence, so I jumped out of the tree. I landed as quietly as I could on the ground and waited. I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I looked behind me. I could barley make out the dark silhouette of Carisma's figure.

"You guys okay?" I heard Alisha whisper so quietly, it was almost inaudible.

"Yeah, we're okay." Carisma whispered back rather loudly. "Let's get going." Carisma said as she began to walk slowly, we followed. We came to edge of the woods and stayed back far enough, so that we were shrouded in darkness and we wouldn't be seen by anyone.

"Alex is at Becca's house." Alisha pointed to a beige house along the crowded street.

"How'd you know that?" Yvanna whispered. Alisha smirked and looked at Yvanna.

"You can find out anything with the internet," Carisma smirked. "And Instagram."

I was about to say something when Carisma covered my mouth and pointed. "Look. There they are, Alex is Harley Quinn and Becca is Cat Women." Carisma uncovered my mouth and moved forward. They began to walk down the street, bags in hand, in pursuit for candy or other 'goods'. Carisma spoke quietly "Go." We stayed in the dark cover of the woods, following them closely. They rounded the corner and we ran out of woods and took to the shadows for cover. Walking down a dark street looking for candy, they weren't aware of our presence, nobody was.

They reached the end of the dark, desolate street and decided to go back to the crowd. As soon as they turned their backs to us, I poked Alisha's shoulder. Alisha grabbed the vile and poured a little on two separate rags, handing one to Yvanna, they quietly emerged from the shadows. Alisha ran up behind Becca and pounced, Alex didn't even have time to react as Yvanna forced the rag over her mouth and nose. It took a good thirty seconds, but they eventually fell limp.

Becca and Alex laid limp on the road. Before we made our way back to the woods, Carisma peered up at a surveillance camera on a tall wooden pole, took aim, and fired. Ultimately destroying the camera and hearing a few people in the distance mention the sound of a gun shot. Carisma then continued to drag both Becca and Alex back into the woods. Alisha and I took to Alex, while Carisma and Yvanna took to Becca. Alex slowly blinked open her eyes and attempted to scream, but I bent down and got into her face. "Wh- who are you?" Alex quivered as she pushed herself up against a tree. I lifted my head and she saw my wide, blue eyes and my malicious grin, those would be the last things she saw before I ripped her throat out. Becca awoke from her forced slumber and managed a small scream before Carisma shot her at point blank range. Carisma started to laugh like a crazed person, I could tell she was satisfied. Yvanna took a good swing at Becca's head with her baseball bat and smiled to herself. Alex started to sob uncontrollably. Alisha bent down to her height and whispered menacingly.

"Don't worry. It'll all be over soon". Alisha ran her dagger up Alex's leg teasingly and plunged deep into her thigh, resulting in thrilled screams from Alex. Carisma gripped Alex's hair and pulled her head up forcefully. I took this time to do what I wanted. I drew one of my black claw knives and slit her throat and watched the sweet sight of the blood spill out of her throat while she gasped for air. I looked to the others who looked to be anything but satisfied, I knew those looks, they had a blood lust and mine had just been filled. Carisma nodded once at me to let me know we had to go. I put my claw knife in my black and brown backpack and swung it back over my shoulder. I nodded back to Carisma, letting her know I was ready. She turned around and sprinted, I caught up to her within seconds.

- Time Skip -

We arrived back at my house, walking in quietly as to not disturb my dad, who was asleep. The four of us went to the kitchen. Alisha jumped up onto the island and smiled.

"Tonight was interesting." Alisha said putting her hand on her chin. I smiled at her and cleaned off my claw knife. We all went into the living room to watch TV, as I went to lock the back door, I once again saw the tall man watching me from the woods.

"Hello my child." he said to me in a deep soothing voice. I didn't know how he was speaking, he had no face. I gave him a small, hesitant wave and he disappeared from my vision.

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