Chapter 23

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- Brooke's POV -

I opened my eyes, seeing the sun just barely peeking through my window. I found Jack holding me. His head was tilted back and his breathing was slow and shallow, he's asleep. Curiosity swept over me and I cautiously I grabbed the bottom part of Jack's mask and tilted it up, uncovering the bottom part of his jaw. I was soon cut short when Jack grabbed my wrist with strength. " What are you doing? " Jack asked bluntly, still holding my wrist. " I wanted to see your face... " I said awkwardly. Jack pulled my hand away from his face and pulled his mask back down. " S - sorry... " I stuttered out of embarrassment. Jack sighed and ran a hand through his brown hair. " It's fine. " Jack said flatly as he sat up. I rolled over onto my side and watched Jack stand up. Jack turned to me. " Are you going to be okay if I leave? " " Yep. " I stated as Jack walked out of my room and I could hear his footsteps grow distant.

I sat up in bed and stretched, letting out a tired groan. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and cursed out of pain and frustration, forgetting about my broken leg. I got to my feet and hobbled out of my room and down the hall to Carisma's room.

Not bothering to knock, I hobbled into Carisma's room. Carisma sat at her desk with her metal arm in a sling and on her laptop. " Hey gimpy. " Carisma laughed, not taking her gaze off the computer. " What'cha doing? " I looked over Carisma's shoulder. " Go figure. " Carisma was on Tumblr looking at weird shit, the usual.

I flopped onto Carisma's bed and groaned. As we sat in comfortable silence, I heard frantic footsteps running down the hallway. Alisha barged into the room and tripped over her feet, falling onto her face. I snickered and Alisha scrambled to her feet. " She's awake! " Alisha exclaimed running out of the room in a hurry. Carisma and I exchanged glances and Carisma helped me off the bed and down the hallway.

We were the last two to walk into the clinic and everyone starred at us. " What? " Carisma said as she helped me to a chair.

- Yvanna's POV -

All the darkness faded and I was suddenly being sucked into the light. Memories zipped past me and the voices of my friends could be heard growing near. I looked back to the fading darkness and saw that man standing there, watching.

" Just know Yvanna, you came this close to falling under my power. I WILL be the one to take you out of this world. " I continued to stare at the darkness, which was almost completely gone at this point. " By the way, I'm Death. See ya' around. " and with that, I was now starring up into a bright light. " Oh s - sorry Yvanna! " Toby moved the light and I sat up slowly. All my friends sat around watching me, Slenderman stood patiently by the door.

" How do you feel? " Jack stood next to me. " I'm... " I trailed off. " I'm fine, but my head hurts a little. " Alisha let out a sigh of relief and pulled me into a loving hug. I've longed for those hugs for weeks and now they're here. As I looked at everyone, I saw Carisma's new arm and Brooke's leg. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I pulled the tube out of my arm forcefully and stumbled over to Brooke and Carisma. I was so weak, I had a hard time walking.

Careful to avoid Carisma's arm and Brooke's leg, I pulled them into a weak hug. Sitting on my knees in front of their chairs, they leaned down to hug back as best they could. I let the tears slip and I let out a worried laugh as I put all the strength I had into hugging them.

My strength gave out and my arms slipped off of them. I weakly held myself up off the ground to look at everyone. Toby walked over to me and helped me get back to my feet as he unconsciously ticked. I didn't mind, I was so happy to see his chocolate brown eyes through those steam punk goggles of his. He sat me back on the bed and Jack re inserted the tube into my arm. " It's for nutrients. " Jack said bluntly. He never shows much emotion does he?

I nodded and laid my head back down. " Glad to see that curly fry is back! " Ben snickered, gesturing to my short curly hair. I glared with the little strength I had. Jeff punched his shoulder and Ben yelped. Idiots.

Once everyone left the room, Toby sat down next to me. I cocked an eyebrow and Toby removed his mouth guard and goggles. His hair hanged, disheveled on his face. Toby had a pale completion, but no where near as pale as Brooke. And his eyes were a lighter shade of brown now that the goggles were gone. As Toby turned his head, I saw an old scar on his cheek that his mouth guard hid. " Thank you... " I said softly. " F - for what? " Toby stuttered. " Not leaving me... " my voice faded and I grabbed Toby's hand that was sitting on the edge of the bed to give it a reassuring squeeze. Toby tensed up but squeezed my hand back. He ticked and I smiled. " S - sorry for my T - Turrets. " Toby looked down. " Don't be sorry. " Toby looked up at me. " W - why not? " " Because they make you, you. " Toby came closer to me and laid his head on my chest where my heart was. I pet his brown hair weakly. His ticking stopped and he laid still. As I continued to pet his hair, Toby spoke up. " Don't g - go anywhere a - again. " Toby whispered. " I won't... " I whispered back.

- Brooke's POV -

Slenderman called me into his office. As I hobbled in, I found him holding a senescence picture in his hand. " Have a seat. " Slenderman said not taking his eyes off the picture. Slenderman sighed deeply and sat down in front of me. " I was told that a blue light radiated off your hand. " Slenderman shifted his gaze from the picture to me. I nodded my head hesitantly and Slenderman held out his hand for me to take. I put my hand on his and he gripped my small hand. " Go on. " Slenderman said. I slowly closed my eyes and concentrated. I felt Slenderman's grip tighten and I opened my eyes to see the blue light surrounding my hand.

That's crazy!

I ignored Max's comment and looked up to Slenderman.

Slenderman hung his head slightly and let my hand go. The blue light remained and I admired it with amazement. " A past proxy of mine had that power. I miss her so much, a small piece of her rests in you. " Slenderman stated. I looked at him. " Her name was Sage. " Slenderman continued. I sighed and looked back at my hand. " What does it do? " I pointed at my hand. " You can do many things with it, but it's primarily healing hands. Before I teach you how to use healing hands, I want to teach you something else right now. " Slenderman bent down to my height, grabbed my hand and put it on his cheek. " Remember something, anything. " I hesitated before closing my eyes and thinking about something. " Concentrate Brooke. " Slenderman ordered. I concentrated harder and thought about the first moments when I got burned as a baby. " Perfect. Now, if you continue to work on that, it'll become really easy with time. " Slenderman dismissed me from his office. I let the blue fade away and I went to find Jack.

- Time Skip -

I found Jack in his dark room and I called out his name. " Jack? " Jack came up to me. " What? " " I wanted to show you something. " Jack pulled me into his pitch black room and shut the door. I tugged on his hoodie and Jack came down to my height. I let the blue light surround my hand as it illuminated the whole room. I slid my hand under Jack's mask and onto his cheek. A bit of the black liquid got on my hand, but I didn't care. I shut my eyes and remembered the first time he kissed me and what I looked like. The memory came flooding back to my mind and I smiled. Jack put his hand on top of mine and got closer to me. When the memory ended, I pulled my hand away with the blue light still illuminating the room. Doing this gives me a head ache.

Jack stood up straight and put his hands on my face. " That was the first time I've seen something in six years. " I smiled. " You're eyes are beautiful. " Jack commented. I laughed and Jack pulled me into a strong hug.

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