Chapter 33

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- Brooke's POV -

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. One of Zalgo's shadow puppets. Man, he really wants us dead.

At the mention of Zalgo's name, Jeff tensed up in anger and scowled. " What the fuck does that mean?! " Jeff demanded an answer. " He's slowly growing stronger. " Slenderman answered Jeff's question flatly. Hoodie and Masky stayed silent. Eclipse sat at Alisha's feet as did Smile with Jeff. " Masky, Hoodie I want you two to take them home as soon as the sun rises. " Slenderman ordered the due as he gestured to the five of us. " Yes sir. " Masky said. Jeff stormed off to his room, Smile not far behind. " You can stay in my room with me. " Alisha told Yvanna as she began to walk down the hallway. I headed back to my room, unnerved.

This is fucked! Zalgo really wants you guys out of his way.

" It just makes it easier for him to take over this sad realm. " I flopped onto my bed.

I understand that, but damn.

I sighed in response to Max, rolled onto my stomach, and grabbed my phone off the small wooden nightstand. Punching in my four digit pin, I noticed that I had a missed message from my dad.

Dad: When will you be home?

I read the message over three times for no reason and texted back.

Brooke: Tomorrow morning. Can you start to clear out my siblings old rooms for Yvanna, Alisha, and Carisma. I'll explain when I get home.

I sent the message and rolled back onto my back, bored. I won't be able to tell Jack goodbye because he's been out for the past week only God knows where. Jeff likes to get drunk a lot. Toby keeps to himself most of the time. Ben is a pervert. Hoodie and Masky talk with Slenderman a lot of the time. LJ stops by from time to time and Sally often plays with him. Smile and Eclipse don't get along, shocker. Nina doesn't ever come out of her room.

My phone buzzed twice and I went to check the notifications. A new message from my dad.

Dad: I'll start. Hope to see you soon. Love you.

I read the message and texted back.

Brooke: Love you too.

Leaving the short conversation, I turned my light off and hopped back into bed to hopefully get some sleep. I felt my eye lids become heavy and I gave into my exhaustion.

- Time Skip -

I was woken up by someone shaking me lightly. I peered up at the dark figure that stood over me. " Time to leave. " Carisma's tired voice broke the silence.

But its barely light out.

I took into consideration what Max said and rolled over onto my stomach to peak out the window. He was right. The sun wasn't even over the horizon yet. I didn't argue though. I sat up and Carisma walked out of my dark, cold room. " It's too early for this... " I groaned.

I wouldn't know. I don't sleep.

" Then what do you do the whole time I'm asleep? " I stumbled out of bed, almost tripping over my backpack that sat on the ground.

I'm sorta like your subconscious, so I watch your dreams and if you don't dream, then I just wait till you wake up. Nothing special.

" That's cool, I guess. " I said while I slipped on my black skinny jeans. It feels great to actually have both of my legs in pants now that the stupid cast was, forcefully, removed by none other than myself. I slipped on some mismatched socks that were followed by my combat boots. Lastly, I slipped on an old t - shirt.

Swinging my black and brown back pack over my shoulder, I tiredly shuffled out of my room. Taking one last look at the room I called mine for the past five months, I sighed sadly and shut the door quietly, as to not wake anyone who may be sleeping. I turned to walk down the hallway and noticed Carisma shutting her door. " Ready? " Carisma turned to face me. I nodded my head and started to walk towards the stairs. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and clicked the power button. The screen stayed black. Great, my phone is dead. Perfect! I groaned and pocketed my phone as I continued to walk down the stairs.

I stepped off the last step, side by side with Carisma. Hoodie, Masky, Alisha, Yvanna, Nina, and Eclipse stood next to the front door, waiting. Alisha was standing with her head leaned back, breathing heavily. Yvanna tapped Alisha's shoulder and Alisha shot her head up. " Wh - what? " Alisha's eyes were partially closed and Carisma snickered. " We're leaving. " Masky creaked open the front door and Alisha fumbled with her walking.

We all stepped out front and the cold winter air nipped at my nose.

It's March first. Isn't it? And isn't it spring?

" I honestly don't know the answer to either of those questions. " I whispered to Max. I turned to the small group I was with and broke the silence. " Do any of you guys know today's date? " I asked curiously. " March first. " Hoodie stated in a monotone voice. Heh... I guess my birthday was forgotten. Not only by myself, but by others.

It's hard to believe we had been staying at the mansion for five months, huh?

" It's crazy. " I replied in a hushed voice. I continued to walk through the dim woods with the others. Tense silence filled the air and everyone kept to themselves.

The sun is just starting to rise completely and the suns rays provided warmth to my cold body. I squinted my blue eyes and could make out the edge of the woods growing near. I started to pick up the sound of child screams and laughter and sighed knowing that we were only minutes from my house.

We reached the edge of the dense woods and stared at my back yard. We said our goodbyes to Hoodie and Masky and began to make our way to the back door of my house. Everyone went inside and I looked back once more at Hoodie and Masky, who stayed in the cover of the woods. I gave a sad smile and waved before walking inside. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw them sprint off back into the woods. I turned and found several large boxes and multiple tied off garbage bags filling the living room. I peered into one of the boxes and noticed my siblings stuff. One box held the contents of Lily's belongings, one with Nina's, and one with Tyler's.

Home sweet home.

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