Chapter 48

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- Brooke's POV -

Alisha finished off the raw beef and dis guarded the now empty packaging. " Alisha? " Carisma asked without looking up from her almost clear plate. " What? " Alisha asked with a smile. " Nothing, it's nothing. " Carisma finished off her food and put the plate in the sink. " Goodnight Jackie boy. " Carisma said before heading up stairs and receiving a displeased grunt from Jack.

Damn. All that girl ever does is eat and sleep.

" If it makes her happy, then whatever. " I said as I slid off the bar stool with my spotless plate. I placed the plate in the sink and my eyes darted over to the clock. 5:28pm. I don't want to go to school tomorrow and Alisha leaves way before I wake up.

Alisha headed into the living room to play with Eclipse, who was pretty damn big now. I made my way up stairs and into my bedroom.

As I walked into my dimly lit room, I noticed a pile of clothes laying atop my bed. Indicating that my dad threw my clean laundry onto my bed and wanted me to put it away. Groaning, I flopped on top of my clean cloth friends.

- Time Skip -

I finished putting my clean clothes away, making sure to set my school uniform aside for tomorrow.

Sitting on my bed, bored, my blue eyes darted around my room looking for anything to fill my boredom. Something caught my eye, my black hoodie draped over my computer chair. A sudden thought popped into mind and I got up to grab my favorite hoodie.

I retrieved a crumpled up piece of paper from the pocket and threw the hoodie aside. It's the note that was taped to Destiney's truck.

Slowly uncrumbling the piece of paper, I wondered to myself. Is this just a stupid joke? Is there a deeper meaning behind this? Questions swirled around my mind, but I pushed them aside when I could read the note over again.

" He comes to bedsides, icy bridges, battlefronts, and crumbling ridges. When he comes, he comes alone, taps a shoulder, then is gone. " I read allowed the note.

Do you think it was just some stupid teenage prank?

" I'm not sure. It's really sloppy so I'm pretty sure someone wrote it down quickly. " I spoke as I continued to study the paper. Just as I was about to speak, I paused and unfolded the bottom right corner of the paper.

There, in very small, neat print was the name " Kate " underlined.

Do you know a Kate? Or does Destiney perhaps?

" I've never met a Kate before. I'm not sure if Destiney has or not though. " I paced around my room in thought. Slenderman may know something about it. I don't know.

Sighing, I folded the piece of paper and set it on my nightstand as I grabbed my phone. No new notifications and it's 7:30pm.

Yawning, I crawled into bed and felt my eyelids grow heavy.

It's so early Brooke.

" Mhm... " I murmured before dozing off.

It was winter out and I couldn't feel the cold air nipping at my nose as I stood in the snow in the woods, I couldn't feel the cold at all. I looked around and noticed a tall, thin girl with eye catching red hair walking through the snow. A strong gust of winter wind blew some red hair over her shoulder and into her porcelain doll like face. " Sage!? " A deep voice bellowed out. I recognize that voice... Slenderman walked up behind the red head and put a hand on her shoulder just as another girl with a white hoodie and white mask walked up after Slenderman.

They don't seem to notice me. Do I not exist to them?

Sage? I know that name... Oh, it's Slenderman's past proxy... The soul that's merged with mine...

" Hey Kate! " Sage greeted the white masked girl happily.

Kate... The paper. Just as soon as the three appeared, they disappeared and the winter scene did as well. Now, I'm standing outside facing the mansion. It looks so much nicer than it does now... Sage and a boy a little older than her with long blond hair tied up in a pony tail and crimson red eyes, you'd almost think it was Ben, but they look nothing alike. The two got a good distance apart and charged at one another.

" I can't believe Slender made us train today. " the red eye boy hissed as Sage pinned him to the ground. The blond boy took a seat on the ground and Kate charged at Sage.

There was a good struggle from Sage, but ultimately Kate won.

I blinked was suddenly met with flames and terror filled screaming. I looked at the scene before me, a town in ruins, I bit back tears as I saw Kate lying lifeless on the road and Sage battling who I can only imagine is Zalgo.

Sage beat him down, he was done for. She won. Turning, Zalgo took one last swipe at her and landed his nails through her neck and abdomen.

I let the tears spill from my eyes and I wanted to desperately call out to Sage, but I was mute. No sound came out.

Sage desperately tried to use her healing hands, but she choked on her own blood before anything could happen. Though she had won, she did her job as a Proxy. She did her job well.

I jolted awake, tears and sweat cascading down my face as I panted heavily. My room was dark, Max must have turned the lights off. I grabbed my phone and glanced at the time before putting it back. 10:30pm.

I fell back onto my pillow and heard the soft creaking of my bedroom door opening. I didn't move as Jack walked over to my bed side and loomed over my still figure. " Are you okay Brooke? " Jack's voice was laced with concern. " Yeah... I'll be okay. " I smiled weakly, despite him not being able to see. Jack turned to leave, but I instinctively reached out and grabbed his hand. Jack stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder. " W - will you stay in here tonight? " I asked awkwardly as I adverted my gaze. " Okay. " the eyeless man said flatly. I pulled for him to get in bed and he did.

A moment or two went by and I was on the verge of passing out when Jack leaned over and hesitantly planted a tender kiss on my fore head. Smiling to myself, I shut my eyes and went back to sleep.

I don't want Jack to leave...

- Yvanna's POV -

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling, thinking to myself about everything.

I sighed and rolled onto my side hoping to get some sleep.

As soon as I shut my eyes, my attention was drawn to tapping at my window. Who the hell would be tapping on my window at eleven o'clock at night?

I rolled out of bed with my guard up and hesitantly approached my window.

I unlocked the window and slid it up with a bit of effort and was astonished to come face to face with Toby. " Toby what are you doing here? " I asked a little shocked. " Well, " Toby started as he came in through the window " I'm not go - going to see you f - for a week or so. So, I wanted t - to give you something. " Toby stuttered as we locked eyes. Pulling down his mouth guard, Toby slowly leaned in and gently kissed me as he rested his hands on my hips. Easing into the delicate kiss, I pushed my body against his and cupped his cold face with my warm hands. Not once did Toby tic, he continued to kiss me. It went from being delicate to passionate and I found myself running my hand through his chocolate hair and Toby pushing more into the kiss. Sliding his hand up my side, Toby lingered his fingers on my jaw bone. I broke away from the kiss and Toby caressed my cheek with the back of his hand gently.

Toby went to lean in for another kiss, but stopped before my lips and hugged me tightly instead.

Toby pulled away from the hug and trailed his hands down my arms and to my hands. " I have to g - go. " Toby stuttered sadly. " I'll see you when you get back, okay? Be safe. " I said before Toby hopped off the over hang. I watched as Toby sprinted off into the woods.

Once he was out of sight I climbed back into bed and replayed that moment over and over again in my head until it lulled me to sleep.

I'm going to miss him. 

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